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The latest News and Information on Cloud monitoring, security and related technologies.

Reduce Hosting Costs: Application Dependency Performance Tuning

You were sold the promise of the cloud. The performance gains were going to make everything better. Costs would go down since you’d only be paying for the resources you were actually using. It sounded magical. You’d look like a star and save your company money. Unfortunately, when all was said and done, the cloud didn’t deliver.

Serverless Architectures on AWS Lambda: The OpsGenie Experience

In this article, Serverless computing (Functions as a Service), specificallyAWS Lambda for certain jobs is explored to explain the basics and reasoning for why it makes sense to use– with some example use-cases around OpsGenie. But first, let’s talk about the current cloud services available for running software.

4 Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring Best Practices To Enhance End User Experience

I’ve seen so many new types of infrastructure technologies impact the performance of the modern data center. All-flash technologies help consolidate systems, virtualization helps to deliver powerful workloads to a variety of users, and even convergence has helped remove legacy from the data center. Most of all, these solutions are all coupled with the cloud to really help an organization become agile and much more efficient.

Does Deploying Citrix in the Cloud Make Performance Monitoring Easier?

The technology of cloud computing has caught up with virtual desktop infrastructures. Tapping into the agility and flexibility of cloud-hosted infrastructures, Citrix Cloud enables organizations to simplify digital workspace delivery. With many of the critical components of the Citrix delivery infrastructure hosted in the cloud and managed by Citrix, organizations can speed up deployment, lower hardware footprint, increase ROI, simplify IT operations.