The latest News and Information on DevOps, CI/CD, Automation and related technologies.
Say you have a golang project that you will deploy with Docker. You need to build Docker images. You will use Gitlab-CI to automate this task for free. And use the free Gitlab Docker registry. But you want to know exactly what code you’re running, not just what Docker tag.
Ten years ago, still young in my career building software things, I got my first taste of DevOps. We didn’t call it that back then but for the first time I had to worry about how my software would be delivered to the world.
Back in 2016, AWS extended the resource ID length from 8 characters to 17 characters. Back then, this change applied to EC2 instances, EBS snapshots, EBS volumes, and EC2 instance reservation IDs. Now they’re doing it again with the remainder of EC2 resource types.