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Incident Management

The latest News and Information on Incident Management, On-Call, Incident Response and related technologies.

Another Journey of Chaos Engineering

Chaos engineering is here to stay. There's a thriving community, numerous open source projects, a few books, even a startup. Companies are hiring chaos engineers and creating entire teams focused on chaos engineering. This talk is about strategies for launching a chaos engineering movement at your company, as well as the challenges and results you can expect.

Accelerating Incident Response

Incidents are never fun, but a bad incident response process makes them even less so. How do technical teams mobilize the right people and provide the right context and tooling to rapidly take action and drive incident resolution? With the clock ticking and up to millions of dollars lost per minute of downtime, there’s no time to waste in assembling the right experts.

How StatusHub Complements and Extends Your Incident Management Process?

Although the main focus of StatusHub is incident communication, it compliments each 5 activities of Incident Management: Identification, Categorization, Prioritization, Response and Communication with the user community through the life of the incident.

It's Time to Start Talking about Digital Operations

IT operations teams have some of the most stressful jobs in IT. Keeping data centers online, servers running, enterprise systems functioning, and applications performing — all while responding to incidents and requests is hard work. While there are monitoring systems in place to provide visibility and change management practices give IT some control over the network and environment, IT operations teams constantly feel like they are fighting a losing battle.

AlertOps Announces Playbook Automation Focusing on Critical Enterprise Needs in Fast-growing Incident Response Market

CHICAGO, Oct. 9, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Illinois-based digital operations management and real-time collaboration platform AlertOps, announces a renewed focus on Enterprises in the IT Operations Management, DevOps, and SecOps spaces. CIOs and IT leaders need vendors that can merge technology and business scenarios to solve complex collaboration and communication problems.

OpsRamp Webinar - OpsRamp + #ITSM: Incident Management For Superior Digital Performance

Manage your incident lifecycle with actionable insights so that you can prevent IT outages and reduce downtime. Proactive Monitoring. Drive system health, availability, and performance with policy-based monitoring for IT services hosted on data centers and public clouds.

6 Ways to Avoid the 'Swivel-Chair' Effect

When an incident occurs, do you shudder when either you or your team proceed to open multiple browser tabs for each of your monitoring tools? This is the picture painted by the “swivel-chair” effect, context-switching between tools to gather information needed to determine a path of resolution.

Survey reveals rapidly growing role of IT Service Alerting

In a survey conducted at Microsoft Ignite 2018 in Orlando, Florida, Derdack investigated the state of IT alerting solutions among businesses. The survey is based on 368 participants, randomly selected among IT professionals visiting the expo showfloor. The survey revealed if and if yes, which IT alerting solutions (ITSA / “IT Service Alerting”) businesses use to support their IT operations and to respond faster to major and critical IT incidents.