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Week 5 highlights from Knowledge 2020

One major highlight of Week 5 at Knowledge 2020 was CEO Bill McDermott’s “Dream” keynote presentation, during which he was joined by chief product officer CJ Desai and Amy Lokey, head of design and UX. McDermott led off by explaining how a “workflow revolution” is underway in global business. Powered increasingly by machine learning and artificial intelligence, digital workflows are dramatically improving work experiences for employees and customers, McDermott said.

Knowledge 2020: "Dream" keynote recap

Between now and 2024, businesses are expected to spend more than $7 trillion on digital transformation. There’s a lot at stake with those investments, said ServiceNow CEO Bill McDermott, in this week’s “Dream” keynote at Knowledge 2020. “The [companies] today that are more digitally transformed will have a real advantage over their peer groups,” he said. “If you look at results, they’re already gaining market share.”

Mapping the future of work

ServiceNow’s CIO and chief talent officer on what to expect in the months ahead The COVID-19 pandemic has turned the world of work upside down. As organizations and their employees navigate an uncertain future, one thing is clear – the traditional workplace will never be the same. In a recent CBS News poll, fewer than half the respondents (44%) said they would be comfortable going to a workplace outside the home.

The Next Chapter for Ivanti Endpoint Security (IES)

As part of the re-affirmed commitment to customers as announced on January 30, Ivanti launched an Independent Business Unit (IBU) consisting of proven solutions with a large customer following (dare I say, fans?) that deserve some TLC. One of these solutions is Ivanti Endpoint Security (IES), previously referred to as Endpoint Management & Security Suite (EMSS) and also as Patch for Linux, Unix and Mac. So, what’s new with Ivanti Endpoint Security?

Early lessons from a crisis

The million-dollar question we are hearing on an almost daily basis is ‘when will we have a vaccine for COVID-19?’. According to many sources, including the New York Times, it may still be a long way off. This means the prospect of living in the ‘new normal’ is something we may need to accept and adapt to for quite some time.

Creating a truly connected financial organization

Financial services is no stranger to disruption. From fintech to blockchain and beyond, the industry has bobbed and weaved through a decade of constant change. The good news is that this experience makes the industry uniquely positioned to lead through the challenges of COVID-19. The bad news is that those financial organizations that can’t rise to the task can lose the trust of customers counting on them in their time of need.

Communication service providers in the time of COVID-19

Think about it. Without the efforts of communication service providers (CSPs) who handled a massive surge in traffic patterns, it would be much more difficult to work from home, learn online, or binge Tiger King. However, while they rose to the challenge, it also exposed the need for more agility in communications operations, sparking a renewed focus on the need for service transformation.

Introduction to Service Request Automation

A brief introduction to Service Request Automation using the Kelverion Runbook Suite. The Kelverion Runbook Suite provides a cloud automation platform with a range of automation tools including; a rich graphical design experience, smart integrations, ready built solutions and the option of an easy to configure self-service automation portal.

ITSM can Make Remote Working More Efficient Than You Thought: Here's How

As humans, it is common to find two tendencies when we work: Remote working began as a significant challenge. Many teams saw falling productivity and morale. Some people even declared it the end of ‘fixed working hours’ as we know it. As all of us started getting used to the concept, we started seeing solutions to alleviate, if not entirely eradicate the problems.

How a Telecom Software Company Ensured Service Uptime with Network Monitoring

When you have millions of customers dependent on your connectivity & communication services performing with best possible efficiency, having network downtime because of any device failure is totally unacceptable. One of our customers is a proprietary global telecommunications vendor which designs, builds as well as manages data networks for telecoms all around the world.