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How to enrich IT alerts and add context with Data Engineering

I see it daily in my role, IT organizations are paying for best-of-breed monitoring tools but struggle to tie the pieces together between these siloed systems. The wound of these silos is further punctured when incidents arise. Incidents are costly for so many reasons, like wasted company resources, potential revenue loss, customer satisfaction, employee burnout, etc. This is exactly why BigPanda exists, to apply AI to the complex problems IT operations, NOC, SRE, and DevOps teams face daily.

How metrics can make or break your IT operations strategy

IT people know that data is king, especially in optimizing IT operations. However, figuring out which metrics to collect and how to collect them can be challenging. IT teams have to factor in what IT directors, team managers, and the people overseeing operations want, what they’re concerned about, and what they consider important.

How to reduce mean time to act by tracing alerts with AIOps

This is the story of an insurance company that was getting six million IT alerts every 90 days and how they used BigPanda’s AIOps to reduce it to less than 50,000. Before we get into that though, let’s take a step back. How did we, as an IT sector, get to a place where organizations receive 6,000,000 IT alerts in the first place?

Why an Incident Commander is crucial to ITOps

It may be counterintuitive to tackle a problem without knowing exactly what the problem is, but an incident commander often does just that. In fact Rob Schnepp—founding partner at Blackrock 3, an Alameda, California-based incident management consulting group—says identifying the root cause of an incident is typically secondary to addressing the symptoms.

Take a deep dive into Incident Intelligence

ITOps professionals know that their AI and automation goals can only be achieved with high-quality data. How can you get good-quality data? Incident Intelligence. In this on-demand session from Pandapalooza, our Group Product Manager, Orr Ganani, joined our Regional VP of Professional Services Sales, Jordan Gamble, to discuss Incident Intelligence and its benefits. Read on to learn more about Incident Intelligence from this webinar.

Best practices for IT incident management

Today, many digital technologies in IT can operate with minimal human intervention. However, while they boost productivity and drive growth, any failure or unpredictable behavior can pose a significant challenge for the ITOps and DevOps teams. So, effective IT incident management helps minimize the impact of incidents on business operations and ensures that systems are restored as quickly as possible.

The future of AI

It’s no secret that every ITOps leader can face an ever-increasing amount of alerts. Since the dawn of digital, alerts have served an important purpose. Sometimes all those alerts can become overwhelming noise, and sorting out what is and is not a priority can become challenging. The good news is that artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are adept at processing large data sets in real time, looking for patterns and being able to aid in decision making.

How ITOps is evolving to support brick-and-mortar organizations

To hear Ehab Tarabay explain it, the need for retailers to continue evolving their digital operations is an age-old problem. I recently hosted Tarabay, head of workplace IT services at TMF Group, on our That’s Great IT podcast. As an avid information technology specialist with a track record of more than 20 years in the technology field, he had a unique perspective to share about the shift that’s happening in retail right now.

How to be successful with Unified Analytics

As an ITOps professional, it can be challenging to justify all of your actions to your organization. After talking with many of you, we saw first-hand the pains and gaps around showing the impact of your team and the constant struggle to measure how you’re improving. That’s where Unified Analytics comes into play.