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Real User Monitoring (RUM) vs. Synthetic Monitoring Comparison

When you spend a long time building an app or website just to have users complain about latency issues, it sucks. You don’t know where the problem lies, nor do you know the environment in which it occurred. So it gets ignored, and performance issues keep lingering. This not only wreaks havoc on the end users, but your bottom line suffers as well.

Top 8 PaaS Providers for Deploying PHP Applications

Platform as a Service (PaaS) is an innovative cloud computing model that helps to deliver applications over the web. In this model, a cloud provider offers hardware and software tools, typically those required for application development, to the users as a service. The cloud infrastructure provides the ability to efficiently and quickly design and deploy apps and have them functioning reliably. Typically, the platform functions as an enabler of cloud applications.

Reduce Hosting Costs: Application Dependency Performance Tuning

You were sold the promise of the cloud. The performance gains were going to make everything better. Costs would go down since you’d only be paying for the resources you were actually using. It sounded magical. You’d look like a star and save your company money. Unfortunately, when all was said and done, the cloud didn’t deliver.

How to Troubleshoot PHP Web Application Problems

Not all problems or issues in web development can be detected during development or testing. There are even web application errors that are hard to catch like runtime errors. Most PHP developers or server administrators will just look at the web server or database logs once an issue arises. They would just grep the logs for errors or timestamps in which the error occurred. This method of troubleshooting PHP problems requires a high technical skill and would take a long time to find the root cause.

How to Ensure Your App Is Online and Working Properly

Your application is deployed. You checked a few endpoints, and they work as expected. You can log in and see the generic home page. There aren’t any exceptions in the logs—or at least any new ones. Great! But what does that mean for your customers and partners? Does everything work for them?

How Slow App Performance Can Impact Your Bottom Line

You’ve delivered your product, application, or website. You’re seeing some traffic and even some conversions. But something is holding you back. Could it be speed? In today’s world of limited patience and shortened attention spans, you have to make sure that you’re giving your customers the enjoyable experience they need to stick around.

A Start to Finish Guide to Docker with Java

Intro to managing and running a containerized Java Spring Boot application. Docker is a platform for packaging, deploying, and running applications in containers. It can run containers on any system that supports the platform: a developer’s laptop, systems on “on-prem,” or in the cloud without modification. Images, the packages Docker uses for applications, are truly cross-platform.

Sending Custom Metrics From AWS Lambda With Code Examples

Today’s post is a detailed guide on how to send custom metrics to AWS CloudWatch monitoring using AWS Lambda. Starting from scratch, we’re going to finish up this post by leaving a serverless project running on Amazon Web Services (AWS). And do you want to hear the best part? Getting started will cost you less than you might spend on a cheeseburger.