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Navigating the Migration to SharePoint

In the realm of digital transformation, migrating to SharePoint stands out as a pivotal step for organizations seeking to enhance collaboration, streamline data management, and boost operational efficiency. SharePoint, a robust platform by Microsoft, offers a plethora of features that cater to diverse business needs, from document management to team collaboration.

System Center Orchestrator to Azure Automation Migration Guide

For companies using Microsoft System Center Orchestrator versions 2016, 2019 or earlier who are looking for a replacement for their aging Orchestrator systems, they have an option to migrate to a new 64 bit version Orchestrator 2022 (more details on this can be found in the Kelverion Orchestrator Best Practices Guide) but many companies are considering replacing their Orchestrator system entirely and are looking for guidance.

Managing Cisco Switch Logs with Kiwi Syslog Server

Network management, particularly the effective handling of system logs, is crucial in maintaining a high-performance and secure IT infrastructure. Log files, or simply logs, are generated by network devices such as switches and routers, serving as valuable resources to understand the intricacies of network performance, spot anomalies, and even comply with regulatory requirements.

Alerts Should Work for You, Not the Other Way Around

The entire reason we have monitoring is to understand what users are experiencing with an application. Full stop. If the user experience is impacted, sound the alarm and get people out of bed if necessary. All the other telemetry can be used to understand the details of the impact. But lower-level data points no longer have to be the trigger point for alerts.

Dashboarding Azure Monitor SCOM MI in SquaredUp

Big news! Microsoft have just dropped Azure Monitor SCOM Managed Instance (SCOM MI), their cloud-based alternative to SCOM. It’s fully Microsoft managed, and so it promises to take the headache out of deploying, scaling, and managing your SCOM Management Groups. Read Microsoft’s announcement blog to learn all about it.

Deploy a Node app on AWS EC2 Linux

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides a vast ecosystem of products that make DevOps an absolute dream. Products like AWS Elastic Beanstalk have ready-made services for autoscaling, deployment, and logging (to name a few). However, teams may prefer to take a barebones approach and build incrementally - in which case AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) would be the preferred option.

From Data Deluge to Strategic Advantage: Cribl and Elastic Chart the Future of Flexible Data Management and Operationalization

In an era where industry standards are as dynamic as the data they govern, Cribl’s core value of putting ‘Customers First, Always’ drives us to stay ahead of the curve. It’s with immense pride and excitement that we announce our strategic partnership with Elastic. This alliance isn’t just a meeting of minds; it’s a bold stride towards a future where flexibility in data management isn’t just a luxury – it’s the standard.

Unlocking Open Telemetry for Golang

Open Telemetry (OTel) is an open source observability framework that has garnered significant attention for its powerful capabilities in monitoring metrics, logs and traces.. It is second only to Kubernetes in the CNCF velocity chart with contributions being made from major players in the cloud industry, and has a growing community helping build out a thriving ecosystem.

Set and scale service level objectives in Grafana Cloud: Introducing Grafana SLO

When we began offering Grafana Cloud Metrics, we set a service level agreement (SLA) for 99.5% of requests to be completed within a few seconds. So we built an alert that would go off if more than 0.5% of requests were slower than a couple of seconds within a five-minute moving window. Sounds reasonable, right?

My First Kubecon - Tales of the K8's community, DE&I, sustainability, and OTel

I went to my first Kubecon ever this last week. If you’re not familiar with Kubecon, it is a convention that is around Kubernetes, a Cloud Native Community Foundation (CNCF) open source project. With this being my first Kubecon ever, it was an adventure all around building community, education, kindness, and of course, a love for Kubernetes technology.