At Grafana Labs we meet our users where they are. We run our services in every major cloud provider, so they can have what they need, where they need it. But of course, different providers offer different services — and different challenges. When we first landed on AWS in 2022 and began using Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), we went with Cluster Autoscaler (CA) as our autoscaling tool of choice.
A guest blog from Donny van der Linde, Pre-Sales Consultant at eG Innovations’ partner Liquit covering how to leverage eG Enterprise’s monitoring in combination with Liquit Workspace technologies to build powerful proactive contextual access workflows to support automated application delivery. An example using eG Enterprise’s user experience metrics to trigger remediation via Liquit Smart Icons is given.
How large is your company’s IT infrastructure? How many devices and assets are attached to it? As large as it was yesterday, it’s probably larger today — and will be still larger tomorrow. This is compelling organizations to embrace device and asset monitoring under a “single pane of glass,” meaning via a unified, “single console” view of their entire network to enable unified endpoint management (UEM).
Beautiful syntax-highlighted GraphQL errors are coming — get ‘em while they’re fresh! Not that we encourage you to add more errors of any kind to your code. But if you do, they’ll now look so much better in Sentry.
This blog demonstrates how to create “inputs” to Cribl Search dashboards. An Input is a control widget that we can add to our Dashboards to control how they execute. They allow the user to supply a range of inputs to customize one or many of the Searches in each of the panels on a given dashboard. Currently, there are four types of inputs: a time picker, a dropdown, a string, and a number. This blog shows how to create all four types of Inputs on a dashboard using built-in sample data.
A little more than a month ago, we released the free Tracealyzer SDK – a toolkit that allows other embedded software vendors to integrate Tracealyzer recording in their own software. At that time, the development team at PX5 in California were already hard at work combining Tracealyzer with their PX5 RTOS, and yesterday they released the integration. Built with Percepio’s SDK, in a just a few weeks.