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SD-WAN Performance and User Experience: Gaining Unified Visibility with DX NetOps

As the use of SD-WAN continues to expand, benefits and challenges may seem to be proliferating in equal measure as well. In this post, we look at some of the advantages and obstacles presented by SD-WAN, and we detail how DX NetOps by Broadcom delivers the visibility teams need to monitor and manage their SD-WAN and legacy network environments.

Head Based Sampling using the OTEL Collector

This is part three in a series where I learn OpenTelemetry (OTEL) from scratch. If you haven't yet seen them yet, part 1 is about setting up auto-instrumented tracing for Node.js and part 2 is where I initially implemented the OTEL collector. Today we are going to begin experimenting with sampling. We need to sample traces because we capture so much data! It would be impractical to process and store it all (in most cases).

What is Continuous Delivery? The Benefits of a Well-Tuned Continuous Delivery Software Pipeline

What is continuous delivery? And what are the benefits of the continuous delivery pipeline? This strategy has evolved in a world where platform engineering is on the rise and more and more organizations rely on automation through code to achieve their goals. Times have changed. Most organizations now rely on continuous delivery as an essential part of their development pipelines.

Stream your Google Cloud logs to Datadog with Dataflow

IT environments can produce billions of log events each day from a variety of hosts and applications. Collecting this data can be costly, often resulting in increased network overhead from processing inefficiencies and inconsistent ingestion during major system events. Google Cloud Dataflow is a serverless, fully managed framework that enables you to automate and autoscale data processing.

Accessible Home Diagnostic Services for Seniors: Tailored Solutions for Well-Being

As we age, health monitoring becomes increasingly important, and for many seniors, the convenience of accessible home diagnostic services can make all the difference. These specialized services are designed with the unique needs of older adults in mind, offering a range of diagnostic assessments, from osteoporosis screening to cognitive health evaluations. In this article, we'll explore the significance of these home diagnostic solutions for seniors and how they contribute to overall well-being.

API Monitoring: A Complete Introduction

At the most basic level, application programming interface (API) monitoring checks to see if API-connected resources are available, working properly and responding to calls. API monitoring has become even more important (and complicated) as more elements are added to the network and the environment evolves, including multiple types of devices, microservices as a key part of application delivery, and, of course, the widespread move to the cloud.

Elevating Document Management with SharePoint Document Libraries

In the digital era, effective document management is a cornerstone for operational efficiency in organizations. With a surge in data generation and collaboration needs, having a robust system to store, manage, and share documents is imperative. SharePoint Document Libraries emerge as a pivotal tool in this regard, offering a myriad of features to streamline document management, enhance collaboration, and uphold information governance standards.