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The startup founders' guide to software delivery

Software delivery on a team of 2 people is vastly different from software delivery on a team of 200. Over the growth of a startup, processes and tool choices will evolve naturally - but either optimizing too early or letting them evolve without a picture of where you’re headed can cost you in time and agility later. That’s why I want to talk to you about how to evolve your delivery process with purpose.

Build a CircleCI Dashboard to visualize all your CI/CD data

If you’ve checked out SquaredUp for SCOM/Azure and decided for one reason or another that it wasn’t the right tool for you, you are in for a treat! Our latest free tool, Dashboard Server, addresses many of the same pain points, but this time, for a variety of platforms not tied to SCOM or Azure. On the flip side, if you’re currently using SquaredUp for SCOM/Azure, don’t click away!

Replace Elasticsearch with MeiliSearch

Data is everywhere and there is no doubt that the datasets we now spans gigabytes easily. We live in a data-rich world. Everyone is on the internet and getting meaningful information from queries this data set is critical. Most of the time they get overwhelmed with the data and have trouble finding what they are looking for. Here comes the Search Engines which is designed to search for websites on the internet based on the user's search query.

How to Measure Network Performance: 5 Network Metrics

As more companies continue to rely on SaaS and cloud applications to run their businesses, it becomes important for them to ensure their network infrastructures can withstand the demand, and that they’re able to offer their services quickly and reliably. Continuous network monitoring can help you ensure that your network is always performing at its highest level. So, we’re running you through exactly how to measure network performance, and what network metrics you should be looking at.

Forrester Research: The Future of Technology Operations

Recently, we had the opportunity to hear from Charlie Betz of Forrester Research about the future of technology operations. He covered the shift from project-based work to product team orientation, the integration between DevOps and IT services and the ways in which the entire enterprise is getting value from investments in artificial intelligence. Check out some of the interesting questions and answers from the discussion and be sure to catch the full conversation in the video below.

ITSM and ITAM: Great Together, Like Peanut Butter and Chocolate or Gin and Tonic Pt. 2 of 2

As mentioned in Part 1 of this blog series, IT Service Management (ITSM) and IT Asset Management (ITAM) make a great combo to support IT’s overall plan to maximize operational efficiencies and improve service delivery experiences, while also optimizing compliance and cost. This post discusses the remaining three use-case examples: 3) Tackle Problem Assets with Proactive Management; 4) Effective Change Management; and 5) Complete Lifecycle Visibility.

Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD)

At the end of March 2021, Microsoft released Azure Monitor for Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) for General Availability. Built upon Azure Monitor Workbooks to give insights into the Windows Virtual Desktop environment, including: Connection Diagnostics, Connection Performance, Host Diagnostics, Host Performance, Utilizations, Users, Clients and Alerts.

Good Catch: Partner Monitoring

Operating in today’s digital economy often involves dealing with an extensive network of third-party providers and partners. Common types of partner networks include affiliates, vendors, suppliers, marketing platforms, and payment gateway providers. Partner networks involve tracking and analyzing data from multiple providers, each of which creates thousands of metrics and billions of events each day.