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Measuring User Experience with Web Vitals

Top of search for you means top of mind for your customers. And with Google’s upcoming Page Experience update to Web Vitals taking place in a few weeks, now’s the right time to optimize your user experience. But before you can optimize your user’s experience, you need to be able to measure it. We’re kicking off Measurement May by breaking down breaking down how Google uses Web Vitals data — and how you can instrument that data with Sentry.

How to search logs in Loki without worrying about the case

Whether it’s during an incident to find the root cause of the problem or during development to troubleshoot what your code is doing, at some point you’ll have an issue that requires you to search for the proverbial needle in your haystack of logs. Loki’s main use case is to search logs within your system. The best way to do this is to use LogQL’s line filters. However, most operators are case sensitive.

Why Experience Level Agreements for Microsoft 365 are Becoming a Business Expectation

When it comes to business, having a productive IT team means enhanced productivity. Understanding that productivity is a direct result of a good user experience is crucial. In this blog, we will examine what constitutes a good user experience and how experience level agreements for Microsoft 365 are becoming a business expectation. An effective Experience Level Agreement is a combination of different data sources.

3 Key Features Every Service Desk Needs

Modern enterprises must work to ensure their organization is focused on making employees feel heard and valued, and a key way to do this is through strong IT service management. We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating—today’s employees expect a similar service experience in the workplace that they encounter in their daily lives.

Creating a Business Process and adding it to Dashboard

In this blogpost I will introduce, how to create a business process from monitored hosts and services and how to add them to dashboards. Business Process module is an interesting module in Icinga Web 2. It allows you to visualise and monitor hierarchical business processes based on any or all objects monitored by Icinga. We can create custom business process and trigger notifications at process or sub-process level.

Fresh Springtime Product Updates: D2iQ Kommander 1.4 and D2iQ Konvoy 1.8 Are GA!

It’s that time again: the latest versions of D2iQ Konvoy and D2iQ Kommander have just been made generally available and the D2iQ Kubernetes Platform (DKP) has some powerful new features. As noted with our last update, DKP is the leading independent Kubernetes platform for enterprise grade production at scale and Konvoy and Kommander are the reason why. You can learn more about Konvoy here, Kommander here, and our general approach here.

Adding free and open Elastic APM as part of your Elastic Observability deployment

In a recent post we showed you how to get started with the free and open tier of Elastic Observability. Today we'll walk through what you need to do to expand your deployment so you can start gathering metrics from application performance monitoring (APM), or "tracing" data in your observability cluster, for free.

Perspectives from the federal public sector: Enable mission success with Elastic

After a year of accelerated change in the federal industry, the Federal Public Sector event focused on the progress you’ve made, the trends demanding your attention, and the Elastic capabilities that continue to guide federal agencies, offices, and departments towards a search-enabled future. With a theme of Accelerate the mission.