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Quick Demo: Ivanti UEM for Mobile - checkra1n Jailbreak Update for iOS 14.5

The checkm8 vulnerability and the updated checkra1n jailbreak tool are the gifts that keep on giving for Apple devices. Using Ivanti UEM for Mobile and Mobile Threat Defense, you can protect your iPhone 5S through iPhone X, iPad 5th through 7th generations, and iPad Pro 2nd generation, Apple TV 4 and 4K, and iPods up to 7th generation devices.

10 Tools and Techniques to Test Your IT Infrastructure Resilience

Many of our customers are large enterprises with critical highly-available and secure infrastructures. This means that they spend (as do we) a lot of time proactively investigating and stress-testing systems, indeed we and many other vendors also provide tools within our products to assist in “kicking the tyres”. However small or large your enterprise is though, it’s a methodology and mindset that you can embrace with plenty of free and open-source tools out there to assist you.

3 Major Ways To Improve AWS Lambda Performance

This piece was originally three different blogs but is now one. In this piece, we lay out three ways you can improve your AWS Lambda performance. So much has been written about Lambda cold starts. It’s easily one of the most talked-about and yet, misunderstood topics when it comes to Lambda. Depending on who you talk to, you will likely get different advice on how best to reduce cold starts.

High-frequency checks are now live!

We just released a big change on how often you can schedule your API and Browser checks. Together with our launching customer RMS — a leading property management solution — we looked at how we can catch hiccups and errors of mission-critical apps as early as possible and get better insights on uptime across the board.

DevOps vs. Agile

DevOps is a term for, “a cross-disciplinary practice dedicated to the study of building, evolving and operating, rapidly-changing resilient systems at scale.” (Jez Humble) There is no wall between development and operations so they work simultaneously and without silos. The system focuses on uniting the developmental and operations teams in a continuous process. Agile is a software development strategy that focuses on responding to change with cross-functional team communication.

Six AWS Lambda Cost Optimization Strategies That Work

In 2021 it’s common practice for businesses to use a pay-as-you-go/use pricing model. It’s no different with Amazon. It’s also the primary reason why this article is such an important read for all those looking to reduce their AWS Lambda costs. In this article, we will go over six actionable strategies to optimize the cost relating to our AWS Lambda usage. One of the main reasons for choosing to move into the cloud is the ability to reduce costs.

An Overview of the Cost Savings and Business Benefits with Auvik

If you’re an Auvik user, you’ve likely come to realize our software can provide value to your business in more ways than one. From automating tedious and repetitive tasks like documentation and config backup, to cutting down on troubleshooting time, Auvik’s cloud-based network monitoring and management system gives you true network visibility and control.