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Achieve Excellence in Continuous Testing by Knowing Your Product - Part 1

This is part one of a two-part series. Achieving excellence in continuous testing is not just about mastering all the new tools, programming languages, and frameworks. It involves developing a deep understanding of the product you are testing. What follows are some tips that can help. I think a lot about what it takes to be a good tester.

Achieve Excellence in Continuous Testing by Knowing Your Product - Part 2

This is part two of a two-part series. If you have not done so, read Part 1. Achieving excellence in continuous testing is not just about mastering all the new tools, programming languages, and frameworks. It involves developing a deep understanding of the product you are testing. What follows are some additional tips that can help.

Data Is Going to Drive the Continuous Change of Distributed Work

It is said that necessity is the mother of invention, but from necessity also comes innovation. If history has taught us anything, it’s that some of the biggest and best business transformations have arisen from tough times. Over the last year, unsurprisingly one area that has seen a tremendous upheaval is the idea of work and how businesses engage with their workforce.

Lift-and-Shift Cloud Migrations: The Good, the Bad, and How To Avoid the Ugly

There are many paths to the cloud, and the one you choose depends on your particular digital transformation requirements and resources. About a decade ago, Gartner cleverly developed an alliterative nomenclature to describe five different migration strategies: the five Rs. That list has evolved over time and there a lot of 5-, 6-, and 7-strategy variations out there.

From lightweight to featherweight: MicroK8s memory optimisation

If you’re a developer, a DevOps engineer or just a person fascinated by the unprecedented growth of Kubernetes, you’ve probably scratched your head about how to get started. MicroK8s is the simplest way to do so. Canonical’s lightweight Kubernetes distribution started back in 2018 as a quick and simple way for people to consume K8s services and essential tools.

InfluxData releases InfluxDB Notebooks to enhance collaboration for teams working with time series data

SAN FRANCISCO — April 14, 2021 — InfluxData, creator of the leading time series database InfluxDB, today announced the general availability of InfluxDB Notebooks, a new capability that improves communication for software development teams, ultimately enhancing productivity within InfluxDB Cloud. InfluxDB Notebooks is the first of the company’s new capabilities designed to make it easier for developers to collaborate around time series data within the platform.

ServiceNow and Oracle Cloud Integrate for Cloud Optimization

Over the past year, companies have flocked to digital transformation more than ever to protect revenue, maintain business continuity, and pursue productivity in today’s distributed work environment. Having an effective cloud strategy is a key component to any company’s digital transformation journey. To build the best cloud strategy, IT departments need one data model and cross-enterprise integration system.

What are MTTx Metrics Good For? Let's Find Out.

Data helps best-in-class teams make the right decisions. Analyzing your system’s metrics shows you where to invest time and resources. A common type of metric is Mean Time to X, or MTTx. These metrics detail the average time it takes for something to happen. The “x” can represent events or stages in a system’s incident response process. Yet, MTTx metrics rarely tell the whole story of a system’s reliability.