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10 Mistakes to Avoid When Sizing Cloud Resources

One of the most common concerns when moving to the cloud is cost. Given that cloud allows you to turn IT costs from CAPEX (long-term investments ex. in hardware equipment and software licenses) into OPEX (day-to-day operating expenses), it’s crucial to choose the right service and estimate it properly. In this article, we’ll look at the common pitfalls and discuss how you can avoid them to truly benefit from the cloud’s elasticity.

Testing Shell Commands with the Crystal CLI

FireHydrant uses a CLI for some developer actions, called fhd (FireHydrant developers). Previously, we might have distributed workflows among new developers by having them copy/paste or clone scripts down to their machines--but Crystal lets us encapsulate shared tooling in a compiled binary. This way, we have a CLI that developers can install quickly, and that works seamlessly with our other tools.

Data Lake Challenges: Or, Why Your Data Lake Isn't Working Out [VIDEO]

Since the data lake concept emerged more than a decade ago, data lakes have been pitched as the solution to many of the woes surrounding traditional data management solutions, like databases and data warehouses. Data lakes, we have been told, are more scalable, better able to accommodate widely varying types of data, cheaper to build and so on. Much of that is true, at least theoretically.

Missing Infrastructure: Accelerated Worldwide Delivery

Software development by distributed teams is nothing new. But since 2020, it’s no longer just teams that are globally dispersed, it is the individual team members themselves. Remote working is the new normal. So in this unpredictable, “modern” world we’re in, how do you put together a solution that delivers for every single team member, no matter their location?

How to Optimize Server Performance

Optimizing server performance is important in supporting end-user requirements. Using server optimization, actively monitor: Web server monitoring and optimization helps you to troubleshoot bottlenecks as they emerge and optimize server performance. In this post, we will discuss how to optimize performance and why it is important.

Kubernetes operators and Open Operator Collection integration - Juju 2.9

Following the Open Operator Collection announcement from November, Canonical is today proud to announce the availability of Juju Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) 2.9. This new release of Juju brings new capabilities for Kubernetes operators as well as smooth integration with the Open Operator Collection.

Optimizing Alert Policies with Dynamic Destinations

Targeted reliable notifications are the core of any alerting solution. Blasting out emails may be good for quantity, but Enterprise Alert focuses on the quality, this means notifying the right people at the right time. We often see monitoring and ticketing solutions creating an incident and then relying on the emailed recipient to not only identify and handle the incident but also to close out the ticket that is raised.

How Tanzu Observability Continuous Improvement Makes You More Successful

Did you know that the VMware Tanzu Observability by Wavefront engineering team not only listens to input from customers, but acts on that input to improve the overall Tanzu Observability experience? In fact, as a direct result of customer surveys, the Wavefront engineering team recently completed 30 days of improvement focused on query quality. I will quickly run through those improvements in this post.

How ITOM visibility delivers peace of mind

The check engine light on a vehicle warns the driver when something under the hood needs attention. Wouldn’t it be nice if every organization had a similar flashing indicator to let them know when their Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificate is about to expire? Unfortunately, reality isn’t that simple. We tend to deal with the day-to-day maintenance of our vehicle in different ways.