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Dashboard anything for free: SquaredUp Dashboard Server Public preview available now

How would your IT team be transformed if you could dashboard anything, for free? If you’re an IT pro and want an enterprise dashboarding tool that’s quick to implement, easy to set up, and effortless to maintain, you need SquaredUp Dashboard Server! The public preview of SquaredUp Dashboard Server just went live! Dashboard Server functions independently of SCOM and Azure and introduces a new PowerShell tile to take dashboarding a big step further. Now you can dashboard virtually any data.

Logging Errors in Web Workers

Release 3.8.0 of the TrackJS browser agent added support for Web Workers, which adds some awesome new observability to the background tasks of your web applications. Many development teams have adopted Web Workers to their web applications to add offline support, caching, or to process heavy tasks. Workers allow web apps to feel faster by removing work from the user interface thread.

Expert Guide to Redis Monitoring

Redis is an open source. in-memory data structure store with blazing performance that’s used as a database, cache, and message broker. Redis is licensed under BSD (Berkeley Source Distribution), which means it can be used for free with some minimum use restrictions. It supports a good number of abstract data structures, such as strings, maps, lists, and so on. Redis, which is used as a database to store data, is fast in performance.

Project Management as a Critical Skillset

Public sector IT departments have undergone sweeping modernization efforts, from virtualization and mobility to cloud computing and digital transformation. At the same time, this challenging period of remote work increases the burden on federal IT teams to ensure staffers can continue working without technical glitches and keep projects on track. The project manager (PM) is an increasingly critical role.

Gain Visibility into Performance Across Your Data Estate with SQL Sentry Premium Edition

Earlier this year, we announced our plan to release new SQL Sentry editions that would help data professionals not only get started easily with SQL Sentry but also gain visibility across their data estate. We ended up making some tweaks to our SQL Sentry editions following that announcement, and we are excited to introduce both a brand-new edition and an updated edition of our flagship database performance monitoring solution.

What Our Customers Say About the PagerDuty Platform

As noted in this blog a couple of weeks ago, we recently commissioned IDC to interview PagerDuty customers to quantify the business value they gain from our platform. It found that, on average, the 14 PagerDuty customers interviewed gained annual benefits of $3.48 million, a three-year ROI of 795%, and a payback period of just over two months.

Using Elastic machine learning rare analysis to hunt for the unusual

It is incredibly useful to be able to identify the most unusual data in your Elasticsearch indices. However, it can be incredibly difficult to manually find unusual content if you are collecting large volumes of data. Fortunately, Elastic machine learning can be used to easily build a model of your data and apply anomaly detection algorithms to detect what is rare/unusual in the data. And with machine learning, the larger the dataset, the better.