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Enriching Splunk Contact Center Analytics with uberAgent Endpoint Monitoring

Like many other industries, contact centers are increasingly relying on employees working from home. The WFH trend poses new challenges, but it also surfaces issues that were largely ignored before. This article explains how holistic monitoring with Splunk Contact Center Analytics and uberAgent help drive exceptional customer service.

Exploring the Value of your Google Cloud Logs and Metrics

With our ability to ingest GCP logs and metrics into Splunk and Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring, there’s never been a better time to start driving value out of your GCP data. We’ve already started to explore this with the great blog from Matt here: Getting to Know Google Cloud Audit Logs. Expanding on this, there’s now a pre-built set of dashboards available in a Splunkbase App: GCP Application Template for Splunk!

How to Set Up Cisco AnyConnect for Your VPN

Because the world continues to work from home this year, I’ve had to configure Cisco AnyConnect VPNs on ASA firewalls for clients a few times. Unfortunately, the documentation from Cisco is extremely confusing, and I’ve seen a lot of organizations that do it wrong (by which I mean insecurely). The process itself is quite simple, though, so let’s go through the steps you’ll need to configure Cisco AnyConnect for your VPN.

Analyze JMX to Better Assess The Health Of Your Java Applications

Java Management Extensions, or JMX, was first added to J2EE, and it has been part of J2SE since the 5.0 release. The JMX API aims to provide a standard for monitoring and managing Java-enabled applications and services. In this article, we will explain the JMX architecture and show you how to pull the metrics that it generates into your Sumo Logic account in order to gain unique insights and a more thorough understanding of the health of your application and services.

Microsoft Explores the 'Future of Mixed Reality' at IT Conference

Early this month, Microsoft will host the second part of its Ignite conference aimed at IT professionals and developers. The livestreamed event, which begins on March 2, will feature a number of exciting trends in technology innovation, but the industry has its sights on one element in particular: a presentation on mixed reality.

Canonical completes Azure Arc Validation Program, helps increase user confidence in Arc enabled production Kubernetes

Microsoft Azure has just announced the details of its new Azure Arc Validation Program, aiming to further increase customer confidence in deploying Arc enabled Kubernetes in production workloads, and at scale.

The Complete Guide to Data Breach Insurance

It’s been noted that there are two types of organizations – those that have suffered a data breach, and those that will fall victim to a data breach sooner than later (most likely sooner). The hard truth of this statement is reflected in the fact that according to some sources 97% of networks will experience a security compromise over any given six-month period. And with a staggering 9.7 billion data records having been breached since 2013, these numbers are only rising.

Key metrics for monitoring AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate provides a way to use AWS container orchestration services—Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)—without needing to provision and maintain the infrastructure that runs your containers. Fargate is similar to serverless container platforms from Google (Cloud Run) and Microsoft (AKS virtual nodes).

How to collect metrics and logs from AWS Fargate workloads

In Part 1 of this series, we showed you the key metrics you can monitor to understand the health of your Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS clusters running on AWS Fargate. In this post, we’ll show you how you can: You can use Amazon CloudWatch and related AWS services to gain visibility into your ECS clusters and the Fargate infrastructure that runs them.