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Using the DigitalOcean Container Registry with Codefresh

DigitalOcean has just announced the DigitalOcean Container Registry, which is directly integrated into the DigitalOcean Dashboard. While you can use any Container Registry in your DigitalOcean resources, the goal of the Container Registry is to provide for easy connection between the Container Registry and DigitalOcean Kubernetes resources.

The 7 cultural values that drive Grafana Labs

At Grafana Labs, we believe that our culture is one of the differentiators that make us an extraordinary company. In the middle of a pandemic, we’ve been in the very fortunate position to be in a high-growth phase: We’ve expanded the team by 118% this year, and our headcount just tipped over 250 global Grafanistas.

Introducing KubeQuest: The fastest way to learn the basics of Kubernetes on Civo

I joined Civo just over a year ago (straight out of a web development bootcamp) and had to quickly become familiar with concepts of Kubernetes and modern cloud-native software development as we prepared to launch our #KUBE100 beta. So, I, along with the rest of the team, thought about how we could help new users learn the basics of Kubernetes in a simple, practical, and fun way. This is how KubeQuest was born.

SREview Issue #8 December 2020

🎼 Frosty the SRE/ Was a jolly happy soul/ With his runbooks tight and automated/ and SLOs made out of gollldddddd! 🎼 It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and to celebrate, here’s your December issue of the SREview! This monthly zine features epic Tweets, content, and events happening in the SRE and resilience engineering community.

Create a New Integration in Opsgenie

Opsgenie is a powerful alert management service that allows you to flexibly set up teams for different alerting groups. Our development team have been working hard to deliver new features and integrations, and now you are able to integrate Opsgenie with RapidSpike to help with your website monitoring.

How to overcome app development roadblocks with modern processes

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of companies (52%) say application development is a high priority initiative at their organization. But teams focused on building or improving apps face a number of bottlenecks — the three biggest of which are people, processes, and technology. Puppet and Pulse surveyed 200 IT executives to discover how modern technologies and processes are helping app development teams overcome common roadblocks and adapt quickly to the changing economy.

Top IT Infrastructure Monitoring Trends to Look Out For

IT Infrastructure Monitoring has evolved beyond imagination over the last decade and continues to, courtesy of new technology. It’s not focused on IT elements anymore, as Infrastructure & Operations (I&O) is becoming more business-centric. That also gives rise to challenges for IT leaders who need to adapt at a quick pace. It’s not news that infrastructure monitoring is extremely important for the health of any enterprise.

Tuning MySQL and the Ghost of Index Merge Intersection

Optimizing SQL queries is always fun—except when it isn’t. If you’re a MySQL veteran and have read the title, you already know where this is heading 😉. In that case, allow me to regale the uninitiated reader. This is the story of an (apparently) smart optimization to a SQL query that backfired spectacularly—and how we finally fixed it. It started off with a customer noticing that a SQL query was running slowly in their environment.

How downtimes are displayed in Icinga DB Web

With the development of Icinga DB we not only rebuilt the core of how Icinga stores and reads monitoring data. With a complete rebuild of the monitoring module we took the chance and refined most aspects of the user interface as well. One aspect that got attention is the display of downtimes, using their time based nature and putting the resulting data into context and visualizing it. Here are some of the details. Icinga DB Web Downtime List.