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Enable TLS with Let's Encrypt and the HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller

The HAProxy Kubernetes Ingress Controller integrates with cert-manager to provide Let’s Encrypt TLS certificates. When it comes to TLS in Kubernetes, the first thing to appreciate when you use the HAProxy Ingress Controller is that all traffic for all services travelling to your Kubernetes cluster passes through HAProxy. Requests are then routed towards the appropriate backend services depending on metadata in the request, such as the Host header.

SysAdmin Day 2020: Business as Usual During the "New Different"

I’m not going to even try to pretend SysAdmin Day arrives this year under conditions anyone would call “business as usual.” I’m going to avoid the cliched and empty platitudes of “the new normal,” “unprecedented times,” and “focusing on what matters.” I’m also going to avoid needlessly reminding you how much your company, coworkers, family, and friends rely on you because of your technical knowledge and expertise.

What Is Identity & Access Management and What Does It Mean for You?

Identity & Access Management (IAM) is the central administration of identities and access rights in a company. Authentication and authorization are essential components with which identities are managed and access rights for linked solutions, systems, applications and resources are controlled. It may sound complicated, but this can be easily explained using a practical example.

Monitoring for Citrix Digital Workspaces

eG Innovations has been a Citrix partner since 2003. Those were the days when Citrix’s messaging was around “access”. Thin client computing and then server-based computing were the hot topics. Discussions around the efficiency of RDP and ICA ruled and Citrix Resource Manager was the best way to monitor a Citrix server. What was then Citrix MetaFrame soon became Citrix Presentation Server, then Citrix XenApp, and now Citrix Virtual Apps.

Catchpoint Digital Monitoring: Offering lowest cost options without compromising quality

SaaS monitoring platforms must provide a flexible set of capabilities to their customers. A platform with the ability to adjust according to business needs reduces costs (e.g. the cost to switch) and tool sprawl since the need to perform different monitoring functions can be accommodated in a single place. A monitoring platform should allow you to adjust, for example: Not all digital experience monitoring platforms are the same.

Keeping PagerDuty Always On With Remote Incident Response

Earlier this month, many areas of the internet experienced a major incident caused by a router misconfiguration within a highly used service provider. This led to cascading service failures, causing widespread outages and disruptions for several well-known SaaS organizations. When the outage occurred, our teams at PagerDuty immediately noticed a global spike in events and incidents.

Getting Github Data with Webhooks (Part 2)

After my last blog around sending Github Data to Splunk via Webhooks, I received a healthy amount of feedback that I want to address here. I learned that (unsurprisingly) a lot of customers are curious about, or dependant on, other cloud platforms out there. In fact, I heard directly from some customers who specifically cannot use any other cloud platforms than one in particular that was not highlighted in my last blog.

Reign in the Chaos of Security Threats with ChaosSearch

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an incredible impact on the world as nations work to keep their economies moving, secure the health and welfare of their citizens through social distancing, testing, and an immediate transition to remote work and classrooms. The world is adopting these measures while anxiously waiting for the great scientific institutions and private enterprises to test and deliver a vaccine to eradicate the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus we know as Covid-19.