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How to Use Lambdas in Ruby

Lambdas are a powerful feature of the Ruby language. They allow you to wrap logic and data into a portable package. In this post, we’ll cover how and when to use lambdas. You'll also learn about the difference between lambdas and Procs, and the performance profile of lambda functions. The code examples have been tested with 2.6 and 2.7 and should work with most modern Rubys.

Optimizing container workload infrastructure while respecting instance-level dependencies

Ocean by Spot continuously makes sure that all pods’ requirements are met so they can be scheduled by Kubernetes on the right nodes, with intelligent bin packing for optimized resource usage. In some use cases there are instance level dependencies, such as: To ensure that these instance level dependencies are met, we are pleased to share that Ocean launch specifications now supports a maximum number of instances allowed to run concurrently.

Scaling OpenShift Container Resources using Ansible

Assume you have a process to determine the optimal settings for CPU and memory for each container running in your environment. Since we know resource demand is continuously changing, let’s also assume these settings are being produced periodically by this process. How can you configure Ansible to implement these settings each time you run the associated playbook for the container in question?

The High Cost of NOT Monitoring Every Business-Critical Application

Maybe you’ve been there. You’re a VP of engineering, or a product owner. There was a critical outage in one of your apps, and it took your team an entire week to track down and fix the issue. Customers and revenue were lost. Now you’re sitting in a review meeting with a consultant hired to figure out what happened and why.

Azure service health alerts and escalation with Zenduty

Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing service providing infrastructure as a service (IaaS), software as a service (SaaS) and platform as a service (PaaS) supporting multiple Microsoft Specific and third-party services and systems with 90+ compliance offerings and trusted by 95% of Fortune 500 companies to base their business on. What is a system downtime and how does it affect me or my business?

How PagerDuty and Partner Rundeck Enable Business Continuity for Digital Operations

At times like these when the world has been forced to adapt and go almost entirely digital, it’s imperative that our systems and platforms stay up and operational—all the times. We are going to great lengths to make sure that the hardware and software in our application stacks are reliable and responsive. Hardware is set up to have redundant backups and new code is tested and reviewed to make sure it doesn’t introduce any bugs into the system.

Data, Data Everywhere... But Not a Drop of Insight

Like the sailor in Coleridge’s “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner,” who is surrounded by salt water that he cannot drink, many financial services professionals contend with similar challenges: data is all around them, but it’s not doing them much good. Firms need to drink deeply from their data, developing greater expertise not only at data discovery, but also at data valuation. Because at this point, data is the only true source of ompetitive differentiation.