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OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, OpenCensus: An Introduction and Glossary

There’s been a fair bit of buzz lately about OpenTelemetry, which is the next major version of the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects. The leadership of those two projects have come together to create OpenTelemetry, which combines the best parts of OpenTracing and OpenCensus to create one open source project to help with your instrumentation needs.

Uptrends wins the Main Top 50 award for 2019!

The Main Capital Partners honored the most accomplished Dutch software companies this week with their Main Top 50 Awards for 2019. In 2018 Uptrends placed sixth, and this week Uptrends is proud to announce that we were awarded first place for 2019! The Main Capital Partners honored the most accomplished Dutch software companies this week with their Main Top 50 Awards for 2019.

Logging vs Monitoring: How are They Different & Why You Need Both

Logging or monitoring? If you deploy and manage an application, these are the two key techniques available to you for helping to ensure that the application meets availability and performance expectations. One of them is Application Performance Management, or APM, though you can also find it referred to as ‘Application Performance Monitoring’ or simply ‘monitoring’. The other is log analytics and management or just ‘logging’.

The 7 Stages of the Client-Side Hacking Lifecycle

The threat of your customers being attacked directly on the client-side is more real today than ever before. Magecart are knocking on everybody’s door – you, your 3rd parties, and even their 4th parties. This is happening continuously, with Magecart looking for opportunities to steal your valuable data for sale on the dark web. It’s a complex and ever-changing problem. So what stage are you at in the customer hacking lifecycle?

ICYMI: Grafana Labs at PromCon

PromCon was held in Munich again this year, and this year was the best. I had a great time meeting lots of old friends and interacting with the amazing Prometheus community. I want to give a big shout out to Richi H for organizing the conference, and to everyone who attended for being an amazing audience! This year Grafana Labs carbon offset travel and food for the conference – but this post is not about that. Grafanistas gave 4 talks in the main track and another 6 lightning talks.

Logging Kubernetes on AKS with the ELK Stack and Logz.io

Hosted Kubernetes services such as AKS were introduced to help engineers deal with the complexity involved in deploying and managing Kubernetes clusters. They do not cover, however, the task of monitoring Kubernetes and the services running on it. While some of the hosted Kubernetes services offer logging solutions, they do not offer all the functionality, flexibility and user-experience expected from a modern log management solution.

Deprecating Our Legacy JavaScript SDK

Sentry is full of engineers, so we know how painful it can be to deal with breaking changes caused by third party libraries. But we also know those third party libraries have to continually update and stay on top of their games, or they’ll become irrelevant. For that reason, we try to only introduce breaking changes when they’re really (really) required. Especially when those changes are made to an API surface.

Pavlos Ratis shares his experience on being an SRE

Pavlos is a Site Reliability Engineer based in Munich, Germany. He likes building software and expanding his knowledge around the reliability of services and their infrastructure. He has created a few open-source SRE projects such as the awesome-sre, Wheel of Misfortune, Availability Calculator, and awesome-chaos-engineering to assist teams and individuals in getting on board with the SRE culture.