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Multicore Tracing on FreeRTOS 11 and TI AM62x

FreeRTOS 11 introduced symmetric multi-processing (SMP) support in the mainline kernel, meaning a single FreeRTOS kernel is managing multiple processor cores. This allows for high performance but also makes the runtime system more complex, meaning higher risk of issues and more difficult debugging. System tracing with Percepio Tracealyzer can offer an effective remedy by providing insight into the system execution.

Sequential-storage Efficiently Store Data in Flash

While using a full-blown filesystem for storing your data in non-volatile memory is common practice, those filesystems are often too big, not to mention annoying to use, for the things I want to do. My solution? I’ve been hard at work creating the sequential-storage crate. In this blog post I’d like to go over what it is, why I created it and what it does.

An Overlook to the Future of Mobile Application Development

Client needs and expectations in mobile application development have undergone a major transformation. Comparing past trends to today, it's clear that the focus has shifted. People now need toward more sophisticated, customized, and secure solutions. In this post, we'll look at a few modern trends that will affect mobile development services in the future.

What is IoT device management?

IoT device management refers to processes or practices used to deploy, monitor and maintain IoT devices. As organizations scale up their IoT efforts, a solid device management approach is essential to running a secure, streamlined fleet of devices. The proliferation of connected devices worldwide (projected to reach 18.8 billion in 2024) means that IoT device management is growing more complex, a reality that has not gone unnoticed by bad actors.

Understanding IoT Logging Formats in Azure and AWS

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are everywhere you look. From the smartwatch on your wrist to the security cameras protecting your offices, connected IoT devices transmit all kinds of data. However, these compact devices are different from the other technologies your organization uses. Unlike traditional devices, IoT devices lack a standardized set of security capabilities, making them easier for attackers to exploit.

Tracealyzer Tips and Tricks

There have been significant improvements in Tracealyzer over the last years. If you haven’t tried it in a while—or if you’re just getting started—here are some tips and tricks that can be handy when analyzing your FreeRTOS applications. As you may know, the TraceRecorder library automatically records task scheduling and FreeRTOS API calls using the standard trace hooks in the FreeRTOS kernel.

Embedded World North America 2024 Recap

Last week, a handful of Memfolks had the opportunity to travel to Austin to attend the first ever Embedded World North America1! Embedded World NA welcomed 3,500 visitors and 180 vendors across 3 days2. While it was surely a smaller showing than Nueremburg’s Embedded World, we still wanted to quickly touch on our takeaways from the event. In this post, we will cover what we learned from the first Embedded World North America.

How Device Management Companies Can Simplify Monitoring

Many companies that provide IoT or device management solutions need help building an in-house monitoring solution. Managing devices for your clients is challenging enough—building a monitoring system is not everyone's wheelhouse and takes time to set up. In this article, we will review some of the most common use cases for device management companies and discuss how these businesses can use MetricFire to save time and money on their monitoring.