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Troubleshooting Microsoft Teams Performance Issues

When it comes to the relative merits of hybrid work approaches, there can be a range of opinions; some are strong advocates, some see significant downsides, and many fall somewhere in between. About the one thing pretty much everyone can agree upon is that the rise in hybrid work has made the jobs of IT operations teams much more challenging. On any given day, a user may be working in the office, from their home kitchen, a neighborhood café, or just about anywhere else.

HAProxy and Let's Encrypt: Improved Support in acme.sh

TLS certificates are crucial for the secure flow of web traffic, but managing these digital certificates can pose a challenge. Using an ACME-based certificate authority like Let’s Encrypt can automate and simplify the management of issuing these certificates. Certificate management in HAProxy has steadily improved over the years, allowing it to become more flexible and load certificates without restarting.

Hybrid Cloud Monitoring and Performance Management

Many organizations manage a hybrid infrastructure spread over on-premise and multiple public cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure and Google for specific business applications. The hybrid cloud approach has advantages but adds more complexity for IT teams responsible for keeping IT systems safe and secure. The monitoring tools system administrators use for on-premise infrastructure are often unsuitable for monitoring public cloud platforms.

Active vs. Passive Network Monitoring: Which Method is Right for You

Whether it's a small business network or a complex enterprise infrastructure, maintaining optimal network performance and security is paramount. This is where network monitoring comes into play. Active vs. Passive Network Monitoring: Which Method is Right for You? In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of network monitoring and explore two fundamental approaches: active and passive monitoring.

Securing Your Network: OpenWrt Firmware for Improved Router Protection

Securing our networks has become a top priority in today's interconnected world. One of the best ways to achieve this is using open-source firmware for routers, such as OpenWrt. OpenWrt is often more secure than stock home router firmware because it receives regular security updates, addressing potential vulnerabilities and emerging threats.

Experience This! What is the Importance of Application Experience?

If you have ever worked in a kitchen, you know how tough it is to be short-staffed. Cooks have to work twice as hard and their performance suffers, leaving not-so-happy customers and comped meals for the complainers. It’s similar to how applications operate. Maybe an application is glitching out from poor coding on the backend or bogging from an influx of data coming in. In either case, the end-user application experience suffers.

$3 Million in Savings and Improved Performance: A Case Study Featuring StackPath

When your business is all about providing cloud services at the edge, optimizing the quality of your network connectivity is paramount to customer success. Learn how StackPath saved $3 million and optimized their network performance by using Kentik.