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Confidential computing in public clouds: isolation and remote attestation explained

In the first part of this blog series, we discussed the run-time (in)security challenge, which can leave your code and data vulnerable to attacks by both the privileged system software of the public cloud infrastructure, as well as its administrators. We also introduced the concept of trusted execution environments and confidential computing, (CC), as a paradigm to address this challenge.

How To Protect Your Business In Case Of Accidents?

One of the biggest concerns for any business is what would happen if something went wrong, whether it be an accident, natural disaster, or theft. Accidents can happen at any time, and they often result in costly damages. No business owner wants to think about these things happening, but it's important to be prepared in case they do. So if you want to protect your business from potential accidents, here are six tips to follow.

Preventing PII in Test environments

Data privacy and security are a top concern for most organizations. It’s easy to see why given changes over the past few years. These types of protections can be great for us as consumers. However, they also make it extremely difficult to create realistic production simulations in pre-production. It’s hard to rapidly develop new applications if you can’t iterate against realistic data.

Securing Productivity in Supply Chains

Mobile device management – it’s been part of your operational technology portfolio for a long time. You’ve been using it for years – or maybe decades – to stage device configurations, push software updates and more. You might be using our Ivanti Avalanche MDM solution to manage your rugged mobile deployments. The device, OS and app management capabilities remain at the center of your mobility management program, and that isn’t going to change.

What is Ransomware?

According to Veeam’s 2022 Ransomware Trends Report, less than 69% of data stolen during ransomware attacks in 2021 was ever recovered. Ransomware is big business for bad actors. In 2021, the average ransom demand was $247,000, up 45% higher than the previous year. Considering that 76% of the victim organizations surveyed admitted to paying the ransom, it’s likely that the total cost of ransomware to businesses globally was in the billions.

Comparing Cybersecurity Trends Since the Pandemic

The pandemic has brought a great number of changes with it for businesses, from remote work to increased cyber threats. The IT concerns we had pre-pandemic are simply not the same now, especially when it comes to cybersecurity. With October being Cybersecurity Awareness month, I wanted to reflect on these changes and what we as a community have learned over the past couple of years.

Scary stories you won't believe until they happen to you!

For halloween this year, we wanted to share some scary scenarios along with security recommendations to help avoid them. All the names, companies and characters are made up, but the events and experiences are based on things which could happen, or have happened in the real world.

What Is MITRE D3FEND, and How Do You Use It?

MITRE is a world-renowned research organization that aims to help build a safer world. It is probably best known in the information security industry for being the organization behind the industry-standard CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) list. Each entry on the list is supposed to include an explanation of how the vulnerability could be exploited. These attack vectors are tracked and defined in another well-known knowledge base called ATT&CK, which is also maintained by MITRE.