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SAST vs DAST: what they are and when to use them

As digital transformation accelerates and more organizations use software solutions to facilitate work operations, security threats have become more commonplace. Cybercriminals tirelessly develop ways to exploit software application vulnerabilities to target organizational networks. A notable example is the 2017 Equifax data breach, which exposed the personal details of 145 million Americans.

DevOps vs. DevSecOps: What Are the Differences?

I've never really been sure how DevSecOps differs from plain-old DevOps, but over the past year I think there's finally something enough there to have a notion. To be concise, DevOps-think makes software delivery better by moving operations concerns closer to development with the help of a lot of automation and process change.

Working with Cloudflare to mitigate DDoS attacks

The rolling thunder of cybersecurity warnings has built to a crescendo this year. According to HelpNetSecurity, cybercriminals launched over 9.75 million DDoS attacks in 2022. The Cloudflare Attack Trends 2022 Q1 Report published yesterday shows an alarming increase in application-layer DDoS attacks. And our own Doug Madory has been sharing analysis on the impact of cyberattacks, too.

Use Service Design in Operations Management to Enhance Security

As an IT operations manager, you spend a lot of your time mitigating service outages and service level risks. You worked diligently to get the right people, products, processes, and partners in place to meet your goals. You managed to ensure continued uptime. You’ve reduced the number of tickets and the cost per ticket. And for your efforts, you’re rewarded with managing your company’s cybersecurity program. The problem? You’re not a security specialist.

Building a Culture of Security: Practical Tips to Spot a Phish

Technologies exist to limit and spot the number of phishing emails that come into your business. Still, humans are the last line of defense against social engineering attacks like this at the end of the day. At some point, you're going to "be beat" as an employer or MSP. Instead of locking everything down and slowing business communications, staff from the c-suite on down need to be equipped to identify phishing emails, so the worst happens in a training environment and not the real thing.

Automatically Add IP Addresses to a Penalty Box in Cloudflare with Torq

Good security may come from strong defenses, but strong security comes from a good offense. This is especially true for network security, where minutes can make the difference between a breach and a near miss. For example, if an unknown IP address triggers an alert for suspicious or abusive behavior, the faster you can isolate and block that address, the less likely it is that the person or entity at the other end can do damage.

Be Proactive Amid Growing Cyber Security Concerns

Over the past few weeks, we’ve all been paying very close attention to the events unfolding in eastern Europe. As an individual, it’s heartbreaking to see a war break out and the impact it’s having across the region. We know that cyberattacks are now a part of war. We also know cyberattacks can be targeted, but also have the potential for unintended consequences and increased impact as they can spread outside of the initial target.

How Privacy Organizations and NGOs Help Build a Better Society

When we think of NGOs we usually think of organizations that take action regarding children, diseases, education, or poverty, but most of the time we don't think of privacy. In fact, there are tons of non-governmental organizations working hard to protect everyone's basic right to privacy. Many people are out there right now dedicating their daily lives to safeguarding our freedom and privacy in the digital era. Supporting them is more important than you can imagine.

6 Things You Should Know Before Incorporating Data Into Your Business Plan

In order to be successful in business, it's essential to have a well-thought-out and executed business plan. But even the best plans can benefit from incorporating data into the equation. However, in order to reap the most benefits from the integration, you need to do it in the most optimal way possible. That's why it's important to know these 6 things before you incorporate data into your business plan.