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Automated Just-In-Time Permissions Using JumpCloud+Torq

For security teams, properly managing which users can access resources and governing the level of access those users have is about as basic as locking the door at night. Understandably then, there are thousands of options available to fine-tune or revoke access, and it’s likely that issues come up daily for most companies—if not hourly.

Building Your Security Analytics Use Cases

It’s time again for another meeting with senior leadership. You know that they will ask you the hard questions, like “how do you know that your detection and response times are ‘good enough’?” You think you’re doing a good job securing the organization. You haven’t had a security incident yet. At the same time, you also know that you have no way to prove your approach to security is working. You’re reading your threat intelligence feeds.

Managing Sensitive Data in Kubernetes with Sealed Secrets and External Secrets Operator (ESO)

Having multiple environments that can be dynamically configured has become akin to modern software development. This is especially true in an enterprise context where the software release cycles typically consist of separate compute environments like dev, stage and production. These environments are usually distinguished by data that drives the specific behavior of the application.

A visual guide to Calico eBPF data plane validation

In previous blog posts, my colleagues and I have introduced and explored the Calico eBPF data plane in detail, including learning how to validate that it is configured and running correctly. If you have the time, those are still a great read; you could dive in with the Calico eBPF Data Plane Deep-Dive.

What is Red Teaming in Cyber Security? The Complete Guide

Red teaming is the practice of asking a trusted group of individuals to launch an attack on your software or your organization so that you can test how your defenses will hold up in a real-world situation. Any organization reliant on software – including banks, healthcare providers, government institutions, or logistics companies – is potentially vulnerable to cyberattacks, such as ransomware or data exfiltration.

Elastic on Elastic - Using Elastic Observability to optimize the performance of detection rules in Elastic Security

Elastic Security’s developer support team has recently seen a surge in reports from customers about sluggish performance in our UI. Our initial inspection of logs for troubleshooting provided some insights, but not enough for a true fix. Luckily, we have Elastic Observability and its APM capabilities to dive in deeper and look under the hood at what was really happening within Elastic Security. And, more importantly, how we could improve its performance for customers.

VMware Tanzu Community Edition Taps in Cartographer for Building Secure Adaptable Cloud Native Supply Chains

The latest update to the VMware Tanzu Community Edition further streamlines the path to production with the addition of Cartographer, an open source project to build and manage modern secure software supply chains.

What is Data Encryption and Why It's Recommended for Really Safe Online Security

Encryption has come a long, long way over the last few years. Something once reserved only for militaries and governments, encryption has been made super accessible and has become standard practice in the tech industry. Whether it’s texts, photos, or word docs - it can, and should, be encrypted. Put simply, encryption scrambles any file sent or stored online into unreadable nonsense that can only be translated (or decrypted) by a user with a key.

Chrome zero-day: find devices with vulnerabilities across your inventory

If you’re an asset manager or an application administrator, you must have had - or are about to have - a lot of work since there’s a new Chrome zero-day vulnerability in the wild. Google issued an emergency security update due to the severity of exploit CVE-2022-1096. A few days later, Microsoft joined the recommendation, advising Chromium Edge users to update their browsers as well.