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Vulnerability Scanning with RapidSpike

The latest addition to the ever growing Security Monitoring tools from RapidSpike is the ability to perform Vulnerability Scans of your external facing servers and web applications. Cyber Security is a massive area of concern for every website or web application owner and ensuring that your applications and servers are free from vulnerabilities is critical in ensuring the ongoing availability of your service.

Five worthy reads: Machine learning, the next phase of cybersecurity

With the number of cyberattacks growing with each passing day, the need for increasingly sophisticated security systems has never been higher. Just when these ceaseless attacks had you at your wit’s end, machine learning may just restore some sanity to the cybersecurity scene.

Ransomware attackers and victims fall victim to ransom theft

Recently, there has been a string of attacks affecting some ransomware victims who pay their ransom in an attempt to regain access to their encrypted data. These ransom payments are being intercepted by a third party, ironcally turning the ransomware attackers into the second victim. As a result, the original ransomware victims are victimized a second time, as they won’t get their data back since the ransomware attackers never receive the ransom money.

Let's talk about STIX, TAXII, and threat intelligence

In terms of collaboration, Structured Threat Information eXpression (STIX) and Trusted Automated eXchange of Indicator Information (TAXII) represent a revolution in the security industry. These protocols transformed the field of threat intelligence from a fragmented collection of information to a unified standard for information sharing. In this blog, I will examine this transition and how it came about.

From PowerShell to p@W3RH311 - Detecting and Preventing PowerShell Attacks

In part one I provided a high level overview of PowerShell and the potential risk it poses to networks. Of course we can only mitigate some PowerShell attacks if we have a trace, so going forward I am assuming that you followed part 1 of this series and enabled: Module Logging, Script Block Logging, Security Process Tracking (4688/4689)