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Hybrid Cloud Challenges: How to optimize monitoring and analytics for IT Ops

Let’s start with a simple picture and a question. You are involved in the day-to-day running of a complex and hybrid cloud of IT systems and applications. These systems, technologies, applications, processes and other platforms perform a number of critical business functions.

Performance Monitoring in the Cloud: Does it Still Matter?

So your organization has decided to move to the cloud. Smart move! Many companies today are either making the move to the cloud or have already made it. According to RightScale’s 2019 State of the Cloud Survey, 94% of IT professionals say their companies use the cloud. Over 90% is public cloud. Gartner predicts that public cloud revenue will increase by 17% in 2020. The biggest percentage increase is expected with IaaS. So, you’re clearly not alone.

Why We Chose k3s to Power our Kubernetes Service

This blog post is an adaptation of a talk I gave at the Cloud Native meetup in Birmingham in the UK in February 2020. It details the advantages of k3s, a lightweight Kubernetes distribution we have deployed as part of a managed Kubernetes service. Developed by Rancher Labs, k3s allows for quick deployments for testing, CI/CD runs and getting to grips with Kubernetes without having to commit to large-scale infrastructure and the costs that would bring.

Introducing Public Dashboards

Are you on DEV? Did you know that it's open-source, and that it uses Honeybadger? We just launched a new feature to help communities like DEV fix more errors together! Software development is more fun with friends; that's why we've built tons of collaboration features into Honeybadger over the years, making it easier for teams to fix errors. Recently the team at DEV emailed us with a feature request: could we make it easier to involve the broader DEV open source community in the error-fixing process?

9 immediate ways to improve communication in the workplace

Better communication at work is the answer. Ok, maybe not THE answer… but it’s close. Fact is, it’s almost always step number one when addressing persistent issues that hold you back, as well as what helps you move from good to great. Better communication increases understanding, fosters trust, and stands out as the essential ingredient for getting things done. It’s not a silver bullet, it’s silver buckshot.

Lessons in Distributed Communication From Incident Response

As reported cases of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) continue to rise around the world, many companies are increasingly shifting to using remote work as a way of minimizing exposure for their workforce. But even if some of these companies have been remote-friendly in the past, many organizations are currently struggling to figure out how to shift their operations to becoming entirely remote.

4 Ways to Prepare Your Application for Remote Workers

Companies all across the world are responding to the COVID-19 crisis by taking every precaution to limit its impact on the lives of employees and customers. The virus has created a ripple effect impacting everything from a visit to the local grocery store to countless conference cancellations. And the world became aware of this crisis only a little over a month ago. Tech companies have responded by asking, and even requiring, employees to work remotely.

The OpsRamp Monitor: Legacy Application Modernization, AI & Cloud

It’s been another brutal week. The coronavirus a.k.a. “Rona” as my teenage daughter and her friends call it, is just making things miserable for everyone. There have been significant impacts on the tech sector, along with oil and gas, finance, travel, hospitality, and many other industries. But there’s always a silver lining when disaster strikes. So let’s start on a positive note: many of us in information worker roles can work from home.

Top 8 Automated Tools for SMEs

Automation is a powerful tool that can make processes more efficient and less expensive. You may think that automation tools are only accessible by large companies with significant resources. There are some cases when outsourcing complex tasks to professional consultants is the best options, such as website migration by cms2cms.com. However, other tasks can easily and effectively be achieved in-house with the help of automated tools.