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Manufacturing 2020: Time to Reinvent After a Golden Decade

Generally, 2009 to 2019 were 10 golden years for manufacturers worldwide. After the swift recovery from the economic and financial crisis in 2008/09, many manufacturers have been enjoying double-digit order intake growth, increasing revenues and profits for over a decade. German manufacturers in particular benefitted from an unprecedented peak in 2018. Volkswagen delivered a record-high number of 11 million cars and grew its revenues to 236 billion euros, the highest revenue ever in its long history.

How to reach 99.99% uptime: High Availability in Practice.

With most businesses finding it hard to achieve a 99.9% uptime throughout the year, achieving a goal of 99.999% uptime looks daunting to developers. Here’s how to reach 99.99% uptime for your business. It’s like asking someone to build a bridge that would never collapse or a machine that would never break down no matter what. In short, it is a hard goal to achieve but yes it is achievable.

Hiteshwar shares his thoughts on being an SRE

Hiteshwar is an SRE based out of Mumbai, India. His area of specialization is in distributed systems. He works on Kubernetes, running his own custom clusters, maintaining them and creating tools to manage and monitor them. He likes to share his learnings by writing articles and blogs on Medium and Linkedin. He is an active speaker in meetups and developer groups and also teaches DevOps and SRE practices at learning centers.

The OpsRamp Monitor: Nasdaq's IT, Open Source and AI at Davos

What Wall Street does makes you listen. Netflix, Amazon and Google aren’t the only companies leading the charge for internal IT best practices. Nasdaq’s top IT dog, Brad Peterson, told The Wall Street Journal that serverless computing is a leading strategy in the financial-markets sector. This makes sense, as financial services organizations today must focus on the hefty task of data management, not server management.

Blackhawk Network makes the right connections to avoid costs

Blackhawk Network may be the most omnipresent company you’ve never heard of. As the market leader in card-based financial solutions and the largest provider of 3rd party prepaid cards, you’ve probably purchased or used one of Blackhawk Network’s gift cards, without ever knowing it was them. That’s how they like it.

Forecasting with FB Prophet and InfluxDB

I think that a lot of people immediately associate the word “time series” with “forecasting”. After all, who doesn’t want to be able to predict the future? While we can’t do that quite yet, we can produce forecasts with confidence intervals. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to make a univariate time series prediction with Prophet and InfluxDB.