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Monitor Apache Hive with Datadog

Apache Hive is an open source interface that allows users to query and analyze distributed datasets using SQL commands. Hive compiles SQL commands into an execution plan, which it then runs against your Hadoop deployment. You can customize Hive by using a number of pluggable components (e.g., HDFS and HBase for storage, Spark and MapReduce for execution). With our new integration, you can monitor Hive metrics and logs in context with the rest of your big data infrastructure.

Monitor TLS/SSL: Certificates, Ciphers, Expiration and Spoofing

Exoprise recently released two new CloudReady sensors for monitoring Transport Layer Security (TLS), aka Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), connections end-to-end. TLS/SSL is the foundation for just about every web request and transaction across the Internet today. Arguably, SSL is as important as TCP/IP itself to the formation of our modern-day Internet, SaaS and Cloud world.

How to set up multiple Active Directories in Mattermost

Recently, a Mattermost customer needed a way to provide Mattermost access to team members of newly acquired business entities. After reviewing the security posture of the companies they acquired, they realized they all had different policies, tools, and systems and needed to bring them all up to the same standards and create an easy to manage multi-authentication solution. The solution they implemented gave the organization a singular login and multi-factor authentication service.

Big Data and Kubernetes - Why Your Spark & Hadoop Workloads Should Run Containerized...(1/4)

Starting this week, we will do a series of four blogposts on the intersection of Spark with Kubernetes. The first blog post will delve into the reasons why both platforms should be integrated. The second will deep-dive into Spark/K8s integration. The third will discuss usecases for Serverless and Big Data Analytics. The last post will round off with insights on best practices.

3 Defensive Programming Techniques for Rails

Incidents happen all the time because of bad code deploys. You write some code that passes code review, it then is automatically shipped to production after a test suite passes, and BAM, an outage happens. This fairly common occurrence has ways to prevent it entirely. Using some simple ideas we can defend ourselves from the hidden mistakes that code reviews and chaos engineering sometimes won’t catch.

Serverless Summer School: Class is in session!

Now that you’re invited, here’s the lowdown: Starting this Wednesday, you get the unique chance to attend four weeks of live working sessions with some of the top minds in serverless. They’ll prepare you to build production-ready serverless applications with the best practices of AWS top-of-mind. Along the way, you’ll get the chance to earn awesome prizes as you unlock milestones like deploying a stack and finishing your app.

Gartner Lists Anodot as a Leading AIOps Vendor

A recent report by Gartner casts light into the world of AIOps, and the need for deploying it in organizations today. AIOps is a modern approach to DevOps which is based on recent AI technology. Gartner’s vision of the AIOps platform is one that enables continuous insights across IT operations management.

Solving complex performance problems in .NET Core [Webinar]

“It’s very much clear that .NET Core is the way going forward. Certainly new features and very much performance rated features seem to be only going in one direction. So, there’s this added incentive to move over.” - Matt Warren, performance expert at Raygun. Today, our host Andre talks to Matt Warren, .NET (C#) Developer at Raygun and Microsoft MVP.

How Opsgenie achieved 99.999% uptime over the last 12 months

At Opsgenie, our highest priorities are uptime and performance; our product’s very purpose is to enable our customers to keep their always-on services on – always. The Opsgenie team has achieved 99.999% uptime over the last 12 months, during which we enhanced our platform with new features and integrations and joined the Atlassian family.