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Domain controller patch alert! Vulnerability grants domain admin access in 10 seconds

A critical Active Directory vulnerability (CVE-2020-1472) has been making headlines for being the most notorious elevation of privilege bug because it can affect all computers and domain controllers in an organization. This high-risk vulnerability, dubbed Zerologon, gives threat actors easy, instant access to domain controllers without requiring any additional privileges. This attack does not even require a user to be authenticated; the user just needs to be connected to the internal network.

Managing Datadog with Terraform

Terraform is an increasingly popular infrastructure-as-code tool for teams that manage cloud environments spanning many service providers. New users are often drawn to Terraform’s ability to quickly provision compute instances and similar resources from infrastructure providers, but Terraform can also manage platform-as-a-service and software-as-a-service resources.

Debug JavaScript in Firefox in 7 easy steps

This article will focus on debugging JavaScript code within Firefox’s Developer Tools. The Dev Tools within Firefox are extremely powerful which will speed up finding and fixing bugs. We’ll be using Raygun Crash Reporting to find the stack trace and the line of code the error occurred on. You can sign up for a free 14-day trial here. So, let’s dive in!

We're making Prometheus use less memory and restart faster

A few months ago, I blogged about memory-mapping of full chunks of the head block from disk. The feature, which was introduced in Prometheus v2.19.0, brings down memory usage and restart time. Additionally, there’s another Prometheus feature in progress that snapshots in-memory data during shutdown for faster restarts; it’s expected to cut down the restart times by a big factor.

How to monitor kube-proxy

In this article, you will learn how to monitor kube-proxy to ensure the correct health of your cluster network. Kube-proxy is one of the main components of the Kubernetes control plane, the brains of your cluster. One of the advantages of Kubernetes is that you don’t worry about your networking or how pods physically interconnect with one another. Kube-proxy is the component that does this work.

Coralogix is recognized by Gartner as a Cool Vendor in Performance Analysis

As the leading log management and analytics platform, we’re proud to announce that we’ve been recognized in the Gartner “2020 Cool Vendors in Performance Analysis” report by Padraig Byrne. Gartner, Inc. is the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company. They offer world-class, objective insights on a wide variety of IT solutions.

Sentry for Spring Boot & Logback

While Spring Boot provides everything developers need build applications, it leaves operational aspects of debugging issues to the developers and third-party services. If up until now all you had was log aggregation, where you can browse and filter through a web UI, prepare to have your mind blown with Sentry’s automatic error grouping, alerting, breadcrumbs, and much more. Sentry has recently launched a major update to the Java SDK. In the post, we’ll focus on Spring Boot and Logback.

Looking back on Chaos Conf 2020

It’s already been a week since we closed our third annual Chaos Conf! While we were forced to take the conference online, this meant that more of you could join us. Over 3,500 people signed up to help make this the world’s largest Chaos Engineering conference. That’s 5x more than 2019, and nearly 10x more than 2018! This is a testament to the growth of Chaos Engineering as a practice across many different industries and around the world.

Applying GitOps And Continuous Delivery (CD) On Infrastructure Using Terraform, Codefresh, And Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

There are many articles and videos about practicing Continuous Delivery (CD) with applications, but not nearly as many for infrastructure. The same can be said for GitOps applied to infrastructure. That is a bit strange given that applications and infrastructure are almost the same today. Both are defined as code, and everyone stores code in Git repositories. Hence, GitOps is just as good of a fit for infrastructure as for anything else.

Everything You Need to Know About DNS Monitoring

In order to communicate, web pages, devices and applications need a common naming system which allows them to identify each other and send information. This is particularly important when the communication takes place over the Internet because of the large number of services and websites that need to be identified. This is why the Domain Name System (DNS) is so important for businesses. It matches website pages and devices to an IP address that can be traced by other devices.