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Catchpoint Detects 50% More End User Problems Than Dynatrace!

Consider this scenario, your internal application and system health is in green, but your end users are reporting accessibility/availability issues. Does such a monitoring strategy serve an actual purpose? A well-built APM and infrastructure monitoring solution like Dynatrace is great for internal system health.

Network traffic analysis tools for 2020

Galaxy: Milky Way. Planet: Earth, Solar System. Date: Year of the Rat, number 4718 from Huangdi, the Yellow Emperor. Spaceship: Pandora FMS Enterprise. Voyager 2 spaceship reports that its older twin sister is 20 hours, 46 minutes, and 19 seconds away from the blue planet at light speed. Radio waves travel almost at that speed, and although its plutonium reserve is depleted and the electronic components are almost frozen, despite all that, we receive signals from them.

Aggregate all the things: New aggregations in Elasticsearch 7

The aggregations framework has been part of Elasticsearch since version 1.0, and through the years it has seen optimizations, fixes, and even a few overhauls. Since the Elasticsearch 7.0 release, quite a few new aggregations have been added to Elasticsearch like the rare_terms, top_metrics or auto_date_histogram aggregation. In this blog post we will explore a few of those and take a closer look at what they can do for you.

Create your first website with serverless in 15 minutes

Alright, we talked the “serverless is awesome” talk but now it’s about time to walk the walk. In the light of us launching our brand new website, we thought it would be fun to show you how to create a serverless website from scratch. In the next 15 minutes, we’ll take you through the entire process of creating your first website running on serverless and you better believe it’s going to be awesome.

Threats That Data Analysis Can Protect You From

In our latest post we’re covering a range of the different kinds of problems and threats data analysis can help protect your business from. We’ve brought together some of our favourite experts working in big data, cybersecurity and tech to shed light on some of the practical applications of using data analysis for protecting your operations.

Caching and Upstream Proxying for RedHat Packages

In keeping with our vision of offering a universal feature set across all the package formats we support, we are delighted to announce that we are now offering configurable upstream proxying and caching support for RedHat packages. As we touched upon when announcing the same for Debian and Maven packages, there are a lot of reasons why this is a really good thing, so instead of going over those again, let’s jump straight into how you can set this up in you Cloudsmith repository.

Proactive IT & The Future of Higher Education

Higher education is one of the many sectors facing the prospect of profound reorientation in the post-COVID-19 world. Following the government’s re-evaluation of approach, which saw students awarded predicted grades at A-level, many university leaders are concerned that taking on the extra, successful students would mean a stretch to resources – especially with social distancing and remote learning requirements needed to manage the spread of the virus.

October 2020 Update: Mute overwrite for iPhone (Critical Alerts), undo and more

Our October update brings the long-awaited mute-overwrite on iPhone (‘critical alerts’). We also introduce an undo action for Signl acknowledgements or closures. And in the web app you can now batch-ack and close to multiple Signls at once. All new features are introduced below – enjoy.

Data Breach Detection Measures Include Using a Data Loss Prevention System

The network security basics for your organization should include some type of data breach detection tools. Data breaches are on the rise in recent years, including stealing personal information about employees and customers. From credit card numbers to social security numbers and pay records, hackers have stolen a wide range of data from businesses of all sizes. Any business that does not have data breach detection measures in place is vulnerable.

Diagnosing Remote Desktop Application Performance Problems

With so much Work From Home (WFM) going on these days, system administrators likely have many people using Remote Desktop, hopefully through Remote Desktop Gateway, to access their work computers to accomplish their work. Usually Remote Desktop works great – it’s been tuned well and offers good performance. Sometimes it doesn’t and that’s when you need to investigate to figure out why. If several users are sharing a host, it’s possible the host is overloaded.