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Simple AWS Serverless Patterns for Building Cost Effective and High Performing Serverless Infrastructure

The popularity of serverless infrastructure, like AWS Lambda, is on the rise, which is easy to understand, given its promise of a cheaper price tag and less maintenance. However, as companies are lifting and shifting apps into lambda, many are discovering that it’s not that simple. Like any shift, such as moving from on-prem to the cloud, the reality is, applications need to be designed a certain way in order for you to reap the cost and efficiency benefits.

Forecasting 2020: Tech Predictions and New Year's Resolutions from Ivanti Insiders

It's been a long few weeks. You feel bloated and your head hurts. You can't even remember how your pants used to fit because all the family dinners and homemade desserts have taken up permanent residence on your body. There's extra love on your handles, so to speak. But it wasn't just the chocolate truffles that tested you. All the shopping, gift wrapping, traveling, food preparation, and time with the in-laws has you feeling like you just battled war.

Incident Alert Routing - Getting woken up only by alerts that matter to you

Site reliability engineers have one of, if not the, toughest roles in any organization. While dealing with incidents is one part of the job, the other is to build reliable systems. Google’s SRE book sums this approach nicely. One of the most important challenges for an SRE when it comes to balancing work between firefighting and toil reduction is the issue of alert noise.

The Top 10 Auvik Blog Posts of 2019

In 2019, the Auvik team and a helpful host of awesome guest authors published 51 blog posts—including this one! Some were about breaking down technical topics, some were focused on boosting your bottom line, and some were just plain fun. But which posts were the biggest crowd pleasers? Based on web traffic data, here’s our top 10.

Best 13 Tools to Analyze Your Competitor's Website

Your website doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and there are likely competing websites. Some do better than you and get more traffic, engagement, and so on. Others don’t fare as well as you do. How do you make sure that your website is one of the successful ones and not one that’s likely to fail? Research.

Squadcast's Year in Review, 2019

We’re heading into 2020 with a platform full of features and a heart full of happiness! It’s the end of a decade and this year has been nothing short of great for us! 2019 gave us an accelerated product growth and our team grew by 2x in size. We kick-started this year with a complete UI refresh and a whole bunch of new features. We also sponsored some of the major tech events and conducted our first ever community driven meetup!

2019 in Review: LogicMonitor Product Advancements

As 2019 comes to a close we would like to take a moment to pause and reflect on the various achievements LogicMonitor accomplished over the last year. All 16 product releases in 2019 are aligned to LogicMonitor's mission to become the most comprehensive, extensible, and intelligent monitoring platform in the industry. To guide our mission we have organized our product features into three distinct pillars - monitor, analyze, automate.