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COVID-19: A Personal Guide to Self-Isolating and Remote Working

It’s now day 3 since UK PM Boris Johnson instructed the nation to stay at home and begin self-isolating and remote working to limit the spread of Covid-19. We’re all starting to realise life may not be going back to ‘normal’ anytime soon. Aside from our nation’s unsung heroes (the NHS, Supermarket Staff, Teachers, Postal Workers, Waste Collectors, the list goes on – thank you!), many are now turning to remote working.

What's The Difference Between Monitoring Webhooks and Background Jobs

If you have some experience setting up monitoring for different setups, this post is for you. Since different parts of your architecture have different tasks, they also have different expectations. Today, we’ll take a quick dive into how to deal with that reality and set up monitoring for it. Warning: In this post, you’ll have to bear with our enthusiasm for setting things up perfectly.

Creating a thriving, agile, remote team

The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has forced many organizations to take unprecedented steps towards remote working. As a fully distributed team, we’ve faced the common challenges of remote work. Based on our experience from our very beginning in 2018, all but a few of these organizations new to remote working will face hurdles to overcome and may try to revert to colocation as soon as possible. Remote working is hard, even when it’s carefully planned and executed.

Logz.io Suppliers Support Plan-COVID-19

We believe that small businesses are the backbone of the local economy and consider our suppliers as partners in our success. Unfortunately, the novel coronavirus/COVID-19 has brought tough times and economic disruption that could significantly change the global economy. So we at Logz.io decided that we can make a meaningful impact by supporting our suppliers and helping them to meet the challenges that this new era brings.

How we're using gossip to improve Cortex and Loki availability

Have you heard about using the hash ring in Loki and Cortex? Here is a short version: In Cortex and Loki, the ring is a space divided by tokens into smaller segments. Each segment belongs to a single “ingester” (component in Cortex and Loki that receives data) and is used to shard series/logs across multiple ingesters. In addition to the tokens, each ingester also has an entry with its ID, address, and the latest heartbeat timestamp updated periodically.

Why and How to Host your Rails 6 App with AWS ElasticBeanstalk and RDS

When you deploy a new Rails app, you typically face a double-bind. If you use an easy platform like Heroku, you could create problems for yourself as your application scales. If you use a more fully-featured platform, you risk wasting time on ops that could be spent on your product. What if you could have both: an easy deployment option that is easy to scale?

Greater protection for Mattermost message data on mobile devices

Push notifications are an important aspect of the Mattermost user experience on mobile. When important messages come in, many users like to be notified on their mobile devices so they can respond quickly. Mobile push notifications make it easier for users to stay informed or take faster action while on the go. When it comes to mobile data privacy, many organizations prioritize secure handling of messaging data, particularly when it may contain mission-critical or proprietary information.

Visibility Prevents IT Calamities Sight Unseen

It starts with one call. Then another user opens a ticket reporting sluggish laptop performance. One more call comes in, then a few more similar incidents and service requests. By the time the Help Desk Agent can see the bottom of that first cup of coffee, a bigger problem is evident, but not quite yet visible.

Serverless Continuous Integration in the era of parallelism

As a team that does pure serverless, we place a lot of emphasis on fast deployments. Lately, though, as our codebase has gotten larger, and the number of interactions between the microservices has increased, we have come up against the classic problem of excessively long test execution times in our serverless continuous integration.

Setting Up a Distributed Crisis Management Team for COVID-19? We Can Help

COVID-19 is forcing many teams into crisis mode, as they rush to meet customer and employee needs in our new socially distanced reality. Organizations with experienced crisis management teams are urgently adding capacity and adapting to distributed working models. And those who haven’t built crisis response teams before are grappling with how to rapidly train employees and get access to the right tools.