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Why I love containerd...and Docker!

I talk a lot about containerd. I write blog posts about it, speak at conferences about it, give introductory presentations internally at IBM about it and tweet (maybe too much) about it. Due to my role at IBM, I’ve helped IBM’s public cloud Kubernetes service, IKS, start a migration to use containerd as the CRI runtime in recent releases and similarly helped IBM Cloud Private (our on-premises cloud offering) offer containerd as a tech preview in the past two releases.

Industrial Monitoring with Pandora FMS: flexibility study

The simplest machine invented by mankind is the wheel. Practically all civilizations have used it and together with fire we dare to affirm that it is the basis of civilization. Many other machineries use it and it is present in everything that involves movement, to constitute complex machineries, initially operated by us human beings.

The Competitive Advantage Of Teamwork

Have you ever worked on a team where it was a challenge to give constructive feedback or confidently share ideas? At PagerDuty Summit 2018, Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,1 spoke about the importance of encouraging a culture of teamwork, and the role trust and vulnerability play in creating that culture.

Sumo Logic Experts Reveal Their Top Enterprise Tech and Security Predictions for 2019

We finally made it to another new year, and that means it’s time to reflect on the learnings from the previous year while also preparing for many new opportunities and challenges ahead. The enterprise tech and security industry didn’t seem to slow in 2018, so there’s no reason we would expect 2019 to be any different. So what will those “hot button” topics be this year?

How Graylog's Advanced Functionalities Help You Make Sense of All Your Data

The inherent limitations of most log managers and the need to work within the constraints of your current hardware may force your enterprise to make some hard choices. Less useful data may be left unchecked, old information will eventually get deleted, and the amount of data that is accessed in real-time is sacrificed to reduce excess workload.