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Free Entity Framework Profiler to View SQL Query Performance

Picture this: you’re standing in the largest meeting room in your company. Behind you, a huge LED monitor. In front of you, all members of the C-suite. The CTO, your direct boss, is visibly nervous. The CEO looks interested and somewhat excited. The CFO looks happier than usual, though it probably has more to do with his very successful golf round the day before and nothing to do with the presentation you’re about to give.

Combining Threat Detection with Artificial Intelligence, Logz.io Launches Security Analytics App for ELK Stack on its Continuous Operations Platform

Boston and Tel Aviv, October 24, 2018 — Logz.io, the leader in AI-powered log analysis, releases the first robust security application built on the open source ELK Stack, bringing powerful and scalable security monitoring and analysis directly into the DevOps workflow.

A Deeper Dive into Logz.io Security Analytics

Facing the growing threat of cybercrime, and to answer compliance requirements, more and more organizations are looking at their DevOps and Operations teams to implement security. The term “security”, however, often triggers negative feelings among engineers. The reason for this is that security is associated with siloed, sequential and complicated processes — all roadblocks to fast development and deployment.

Announcing Logz.io Security Analytics

We founded Logz.io four years ago with a vision to provide a platform for engineers like us to operate the next generation of applications and infrastructure. As engineers, we experienced firsthand the challenges of running large-scale, open-source tools and the frustration of dealing with slow, proprietary tools which were not designed to support the rapidly changing technology stack we operated.

Test Automation Tools to Accelerate CI/CD

So much of our world has moved away from the slow and methodical, towards the agile and iterative. In transport, for example, everything is “on demand”, constantly changing and adaptable. The same is true for developers. With movements and philosophies such as CI/CD, everything is about moving quickly, yet smartly. Test automation is an integral part of this development philosophy.

How Many Packets per Second (PPS) in Amazon EC2?

A customer of ours reported a limit on number of packets in Amazon’s EC2 instances. According to the report, it didn’t happen on all instance types, and didn’t happen all the time. Also, it was unrelated entirely to bandwidth or MTU. According to the report, packet transmission rates were limited the same as CPU on t2/t3 instances — each instance earns credits which, when exhausted, cause throttling.

CloudReady Dashboards Tips & Tricks Part #2

This is the second part of a series on the CloudReady dashboards and visualizations. The first part covered basics like Overviews, Refresh, and Layout settings. In this second part, we’ll cover more advanced creation and usage of dashboards. In part 3 and 4 we’ll cover actual widgets and how they can be used.

Getting serious about cloud migration

Cloud is a big part of Atlassian’s future, and we’re more focused than ever on delivering a great Server to Cloud migration experience. When developing software, there is no better way to test than doing it yourself. So that’s what we did. In an effort to learn more, understand pain points, and make a better experience for our customers, we migrated our whole company’s Jira and Confluence instances to the Atlassian Cloud.