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OpManager doubles the number of device templates, cuts your work in half

Just last month we heard flattering statements about OpManager’s UX, and nothing makes us happier than knowing that our continuous improvements have positively impacted our users. We’re always eager to meet your growing IT infrastructure needs, so we’re happy to introduce a set of 4,000 new device templates. That doubles the number of OpManager device templates to over 8,000, helping you in your goal of comprehensive network management.

Network Traffic Capture with Network TAPs

Network TAP (Terminal Access Point or Test Access Point) is the most common hardware device used for network traffic capture purpose. A Network TAP is basically a hardware designed to access the traffic between two network nodes and mirror it into a monitor port where we can connect a third party Analysis tool to listen.

Why Whitelist An Email Address?

TLDR; "If you expect to receive important emails from a trusted email address it is worth whitelisting the address to make sure that emails won't be accidentally blocked by an overzealous email client." Whatever email client you use, be it Gmail or Thunderbird, Outlook or Apple Mail, you can be sure that it comes with some kind of spam management built in. Most of the time this works well - legitimate emails are delivered to your inbox and spam is either rejected or gets funnelled to your spambox.

Announcing Tessen, the Sensu call-home service

As a monitoring company, it’s only natural that we’d always seek more data to inform our product decisions. With that in mind, we created Tessen, a hosted Sensu call-home service. Tessen is opt-in for the current version of Sensu, but will be opt out in Sensu Go (ICYMI, here’s our product roadmap, including the GA release date). Here’s what you need to know, including what we’re collecting and how that data benefits the Sensu Community.

BOO! Does Network Management Give You the Shivers?

Just like the goblins, ghouls, and ghosts that’ll be walking down your street tomorrow night, network management can be scary. If you’re not a network expert (and don’t have one on your payroll), it can be intimidating to make changes to clients’ infrastructure for fear of taking the network down. Small actions can have a big impact.

How to Triage Test Failures in a Continuous Delivery Lifecycle

Continuous testing has evolved to become an important phase in modern application development and delivery. When we at Sumo Logic sketched out a plan to start delivering our microservices continuously, we knew we needed to define a delivery pipeline, which would run our automated tests and provide feedback in early phases of development.