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The latest News and Information on Log Management, Log Analytics and related technologies.

Apache Kafka Tutorial - Use Cases & Challenges Logging at Scale

Organizations that handle logging at scale eventually run into the same problem: too many events are being generated, and logging components can’t keep up. Even with persistent queues and other mitigating features enabled, there’s simply not enough of a buffer between log generators and log ingesters to handle the volume of log lines coming in.

Building a resilient cybersecurity strategy for 2019 - Part 1

This ManageEngine Webinar series introduces industry best practices required to be followed in 2019. The importance of privileged access to critical information and data loss prevention (DLP) against insider threats will be discussed. It will also highlight the rising significance of Unified Endpoint Security and Management, trends in Log Management, compliance standards.

Logz.io - Who We Are and What We Do

Logz.io is an intelligent log analytics platform that combines the popular ELK stack as a cloud service and sophisticated machine learning. Logz.io derives insights from machine data, user behavior and community knowledge in a scalable, production-ready platform that enables organizations to resolve issues faster and take operations to the next level.

Setting Up Application Performance Monitoring with the ELK Stack and Logz.io

Application Performance Monitoring, aka APM, is one of the most common methods used by engineers today to measure the availability, response times and behavior of applications and services. There are a variety of APM solutions in the market but if you’re familiar with the ELK Stack or are a Logz.io user, this article describes using a relatively new open source-based solution — Elastic APM.

Java Logs: 4 Types of Logs You Need to Know

Logging is an important topic in software development, especially if you need to analyze bugs and other unexpected events in your production environment. Implementing your logging often seems easy. But as you probably experienced yourself, logging is far more complex than it might seem. That’s why you can find lots of articles about it here on the blog.

Why is Log Management Important

Ever since humankind developed the ability to write, much of our progress has been made thanks to recording and using data. In ages long past, notes were made on the production and gathering of resources, the exact number of available soldiers and other important personnel, and were compiled and stored by hand. Because of this documentation method, important information was also prone to being misplaced, lost, or even mishandled.