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The latest News and Information on Service Reliability Engineering and related technologies.

Losing customers because of bad software: Bill Kennedy - The Reliability Podcast

The Reliability podcast aims to speak with engineers who have worked on large, complex systems and glean through their learnings. What best practices should one imbibe? What are non-negotiable learnings to become better at a craft? What’s ‘engineering’ going to be like with the advent of AI? We answer these and more tracing personal journeys of engineers who have built stellar careers around decoding the innumerable intricacies of software engineering.

What you do in practice is what you do in a game: Bill Kennedy - The Reliability Podcast

The Reliability podcast aims to speak with engineers who have worked on large, complex systems and glean through their learnings. What best practices should one imbibe? What are non-negotiable learnings to become better at a craft? What’s ‘engineering’ going to be like with the advent of AI? We answer these and more tracing personal journeys of engineers who have built stellar careers around decoding the innumerable intricacies of software engineering.

Bugs in NASAs codebase and importance of QA in engineering : Bill Kennedy - The Reliability Podcast

The Reliability podcast aims to speak with engineers who have worked on large, complex systems and glean through their learnings. What best practices should one imbibe? What are non-negotiable learnings to become better at a craft? What’s ‘engineering’ going to be like with the advent of AI? We answer these and more tracing personal journeys of engineers who have built stellar careers around decoding the innumerable intricacies of software engineering.

Global Event Rulesets: Streamlining Alert Routing Across Services

In the fast-paced world of organizations handling numerous microservices and projects, tackling the challenges that arise can be a daunting task. As many of our customers come with infrastructures that included a large number of microservices we set out to make it easier for them to streamline alert source management. Enter Global Event Rulesets (GER). This feature is designed to redefine the way you manage alerts.

Production vs Local in engineering: Piyush Verma - The Reliability Podcast

The Reliability podcast aims to speak with engineers who have worked on large, complex systems and glean through their learnings. What best practices should one imbibe? What are non-negotiable learnings to become better at a craft? What’s ‘engineering’ going to be like with the advent of AI? We answer these and more tracing personal journeys of engineers who have built stellar careers around decoding the innumerable intricacies of software engineering.

What is Zero Trust Reliability in engineering: Piyush Verma - The Reliability Podcast

The Reliability podcast aims to speak with engineers who have worked on large, complex systems and glean through their learnings. What best practices should one imbibe? What are non-negotiable learnings to become better at a craft? What’s ‘engineering’ going to be like with the advent of AI? We answer these and more tracing personal journeys of engineers who have built stellar careers around decoding the innumerable intricacies of software engineering.

Fostering a fearless engineering culture: Bill Kennedy - The Reliability Podcast

The Reliability podcast aims to speak with engineers who have worked on large, complex systems and glean through their learnings. What best practices should one imbibe? What are non-negotiable learnings to become better at a craft? What’s ‘engineering’ going to be like with the advent of AI? We answer these and more tracing personal journeys of engineers who have built stellar careers around decoding the innumerable intricacies of software engineering.

The mistake boot in engineering: Bill Kennedy - The Reliability Podcast

The Reliability podcast aims to speak with engineers who have worked on large, complex systems and glean through their learnings. What best practices should one imbibe? What are non-negotiable learnings to become better at a craft? What’s ‘engineering’ going to be like with the advent of AI? We answer these and more tracing personal journeys of engineers who have built stellar careers around decoding the innumerable intricacies of software engineering.