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The ominous opacity of the AWS bill - a cautionary tale

We were only in the first week of the month-long billing period for our client’s AWS account. Already, it showed that they had exceeded the free-tier limit for SQS and had nearly exceeded it for CloudWatch too (approximately 85 per cent used). This is puzzling, because we hadn't run any data downloads for the client at all. In fact, all services had been down since before Christmas when we shut it down to work on new server CloudFormation scripts.

Top 8 Metrics for SharePoint Performance Monitoring

Microsoft SharePoint is one of the most business-critical services in enterprise IT. SharePoint is widely used by organizations to create websites where information is centrally stored, shared, organized and accessed by users from anywhere, any time and any device. Major use cases of SharePoint include knowledge and content management, intranet, file hosting and collaboration, and so on.

Light monitoring with Elastic Metricbeat

Since Pandora FMS version 7.0 NG 712, thanks to the integration with Elastic, we have drastically improved the system of storage and visualization of records or logs, which allows us to increase the growth and speed in the presentation of information. But wait, there is still more to talk about before I go on to describe Light Monitoring…

3 Ways Malcolm Gladwell's 'Outliers' Anticipated the Value of Real-Time Anomaly Detection

Having just passed the 10-year anniversary of Malcolm Gladwell’s bestseller “Outliers: The Story of Success“, we thought to mark the occasion by taking a look at outliers and how they relate to success in the business world. Gladwell describes outliers as “those [people] who have been given opportunities — and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them.” At Anodot, we’ve also made it our mission to spot outliers, albeit of the data variety.

Using Cybersecurity as an MSP Sales Tool

I regularly speak with managed service providers (MSPs) and one of the biggest challenges I hear them share is selling the concept of managed services to prospects. Many small and medium-sized businesses have yet to move past the concept of break-fix—only paying an IT company to fix things when they break. They don’t fully appreciate the value of the proactive approach that is managed services.

Recapping the Top 3 Talks on Futuristic Machine Learning at Scale By the Bay 2018

As discussed in our previous post, we recently had the opportunity to present some interesting challenges and proposed directions for data science and machine learning (ML) at the 2018 Scale By the Bay conference. While the excellent talks and panels at the conference were too numerous to cover here, I wanted to briefly summarize three talks in particular that I found to represent some really interesting (to me) directions for ML on the java virtual machine (JVM).

Resultful web push notifications campaigns with PushPushGo

Marketing automation for most people probably regards e-mail marketing. But the newsletter is not the only way to use automatic actions for better timing and personalization. Among them, we can list web push notifications – messages that show up when an Internet user visits browser (not necessarily a particular page).

Centralized Logging - Knowing When Less is More

A lot of firms collect massive amounts of data every day (up to billions of events) to improve their security efforts, enhance their business intelligence, and refine their marketing strategies. Their log storage drives are so big that some of them even brag about the size, to show their public and clients how advanced their technologies are.

10 Tech Blogs to Bookmark in 2019

The fact that you’re reading this suggests that you like to keep on top of what’s new in tech. With anything and everything now being considered “newsworthy”, it can be hard to filter out the articles that are actually relevant to your interests. That’s why if you’re keen to keep yourself up-to-date on the upcoming digital trends and gadgets of 2019, we suggest bookmarking some of these blogs so that all of your desired reading is just a click away.

Adding CVE scanning to a CI/CD pipeline

A Docker image contains an application and all its dependencies. As it also contains the numerous binaries and libraries of an OS, it’s important to make sure no vulnerabilities exist in its root filesystem, or at least no critical or major ones. Scanning an image within a CI/CD pipeline can ensure this additional level of security.