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OpenTelemetry, OpenTracing, OpenCensus: An Introduction and Glossary

There’s been a fair bit of buzz lately about OpenTelemetry, which is the next major version of the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects. The leadership of those two projects have come together to create OpenTelemetry, which combines the best parts of OpenTracing and OpenCensus to create one open source project to help with your instrumentation needs.

How to Monitor Redshift Logs with Sumo Logic

In the second installment of our Amazon Redshift series, we covered the different ways you can monitor the performance and disk space of your Redshift servers using tools in AWS. In this final post, we will discuss how you can take your monitoring and logging efforts up a couple of notches by using Sumo Logic with Amazon Redshift.

6 Key Benefits of Microservices Architecture

One challenge for developers beginning a new project is choosing between monolithic and microservice architecture. According to Camunda research, 63% of enterprise level companies have taken steps to apply microservice architecture. Let’s take a closer look at the benefits and implementation of microservice architecture and why enterprise level companies, like Amazon, Netflix, and Uber, are choosing this architecture over traditional monolithic architecture?

Avoid DNS Outages: Decrease Downtime with DNS Monitoring

Cloudflare, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are some of the largest managed Domain Name Server (DNS) service providers in the world. They are also just a few of the many DNS providers that have struggled with DNS outages. In fact, Cloudflare had an outage earlier this year due to a bad software deployment.

Kubernetes 101

The appeal of running workloads in containers is intuitive and there are numerous reasons to do so. Shipping a process with its dependencies in a package that’s able to just run reduces the friction of organizational communication and operation. Relative to virtual machines, the size, simplicity, and reduced overhead of containers make a compelling case.

Uptrends wins the Main Top 50 award for 2019!

The Main Capital Partners honored the most accomplished Dutch software companies this week with their Main Top 50 Awards for 2019. In 2018 Uptrends placed sixth, and this week Uptrends is proud to announce that we were awarded first place for 2019! The Main Capital Partners honored the most accomplished Dutch software companies this week with their Main Top 50 Awards for 2019.

Logging vs Monitoring: How are They Different & Why You Need Both

Logging or monitoring? If you deploy and manage an application, these are the two key techniques available to you for helping to ensure that the application meets availability and performance expectations. One of them is Application Performance Management, or APM, though you can also find it referred to as ‘Application Performance Monitoring’ or simply ‘monitoring’. The other is log analytics and management or just ‘logging’.