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Synthetic web tests - Moving up the stack

In this short explainer and demo, Kentik's Phil Gervasi shows how Kentik is moving up the stack to monitor application activity on the network. Phil explains the differences between proactive and passive network monitoring and demonstrates three new synthetic tests that relate to app performance monitoring. Kentik's suite of application-focused synthetic tests give you proactive visibility into application activity on your network. Using the HTTP test, Page Load test, and Synthetic Transaction Monitoring, you can monitor a user's digital experience and troubleshoot problems as they happen.

Phil Gervasi on Network Observability and Cisco Live | Network AF Episode 20

Phil Gervasi, Kentik's Head of Technical Evangelism stops by Network AF today to speak with host Avi Freedman about all things network observability and to recap their experiences at Cisco Live. Phil was a network engineer for 15 years before switching to marketing and finding his way into technical evangelism. In this conversation the two focus on building a foundation for data mining and collecting information that could better inform network intelligence and insights from observability platforms like Kentik.

A deeper dive into the Rogers outage

Beginning at 8:44 UTC (4:44am EDT) on July 8, 2022, Canadian telecommunications giant Rogers Communications suffered a catastrophic outage taking down nearly all services for its 11 million customers in what is arguably the largest internet outage in Canadian history. Internet services began to return after 15 hours of downtime and were still being restored throughout the following day.

Investigating digital experience with Synthetic Transaction Monitoring

Kentik Synthetics is all about proactively testing and monitoring specific elements of your network, the services it relies on, and the applications it delivers. That means using artificial traffic instead of end-user traffic to test a variety of aspects of digital experience monitoring like device availability, DNS activity, web application page load times, and BGP activity. But to test an end-user’s experience interacting with a website, we need to approach things differently.

Synthetic Transaction Monitoring with Kentik

What is synthetic transaction monitoring and how is it beneficial? Phil Gervasi and Sunil Kodiyan talk STM, how it works, what problems you can solve with it, and how it fits into an overall digital experience monitoring strategy. Learn how synthetic transaction monitoring can be used to test and track application performance from an end-user perspective, in this short talk and technical demonstration.

Internet traffic and current events with Doug Madory | Network AF Episode 19

Network AF welcomes Doug Madory back to the podcast to discuss current events, including Russia invading Ukraine, and recent internet-related issues in Syria and Egypt. Doug is Kentik's Director of Internet Analysis, and uses BGP and traffic data to write about happenings with networks on a worldwide scale. Together with Kentik CEO and show host Avi Freedman, the two dive into the real-world implication of geopolitical events on the state of networking.

Kentik moves up the stack with Synthetic Transaction Monitoring

In our quest to provide the leading network observability solution, Kentik has been focused on developing a service for NetOps teams that empowers them to have intimate knowledge of their network traffic and the devices that route traffic. Our service helps them plan capacity, project costs, optimize routes, detect unwanted traffic, troubleshoot issues and analyze events.