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The CTO is responsible for reliability and availability

Who's ultimately responsible for reliability? "You need an executive champion that cares about this. And to me, it's the CTO. The CTO is responsible for the quality of the code that you're writing, the quality of the customer experience, the quality of the product. And so, you know, your software doesn't work. The quality is zero. Not half points here. If you can't use it, it doesn't work.

In Support of Anti-Abuse Operations - Allan Stojanovic - OSDI Toronto 22 May 2024

Allan Stojanovic gives us a look into the concerns of a Security Analysis and Response Engineer. In this talk, Allan shares how to think about abuse from day one and to understand the Who, What, When, Where, and Why, and How your platforms are susceptible to abuse.` Allan is a Staff Security Analysis and Response Engineer at Aiven. He has survived IT for over 30 years working in nearly every vertical doing may different roles, mostly in the Information Security field.

Data Security and Compliance in 2024 and Beyond - OSDI Toronto May 2024

Jamie Arlen explores some of the guidance he gave over 5000 days ago to see if it still tracks. Jamie is the CISO of Aiven. He brings over 30 years of tech security experience to the conversation and provides a wealth of guidance to security team members future CISOs and tech-security-aware professionals. The following is a talk given at the Open Source Data Infrastructure Meetup in Toronto recorded 22 May 2024.

What MDR Means for MSPs with Dave MacKinnon

In this conversation, Dave MacKinnon, Chief Security Officer at N-able, talks to Pete Roythorne about Managed Detection and Response (MDR) and its relevance for MSPs. They explore the differences between MDR and other technologies, the benefits of MDR for MSPs, and the cost effectiveness of implementing MDR. Dave highlights the challenges of building a Security Operations Center (SOC) and emphasizes the importance of technology selection and effective threat detection in MDR.

Megaport Enhancing Connectivity in Canberra

As the demand for cloud services continues to grow, ensuring security, compliance, and reliability remains paramount, especially for government entities and affiliated sectors. Megaport is meeting these critical needs with its recently expanded network in Canberra, providing robust and secure connectivity options for such users.

How to export any Grafana visualization to a CSV file, Microsoft Excel, or Google Sheets

Grafana dashboards are a great way to combine a lot of technical information into one convenient picture. From time to time, it’s also useful to export data from a particular Grafana visualization to another format, so you can further analyze it and share it with others. In this blog post, we’ll walk through how to export CSV data for any Grafana visualization you use. This makes it easy to get that data into popular spreadsheet applications, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. =

What is your favorite story of Hyperview helping a client?

We have two. The first is a client who was spending $700k annually on manual audits for their data centers. They were unaware that these error-prone and costly audits could be replaced with automation. By eliminating physical audits through our Asset Tracking RFID solution, they not only achieved greater accuracy and speed but also saved hundreds of thousands of dollars.