2018 was a busy and productive year in StatusHub. We received a lot of great feedback and suggestions from our customers and we would like to say thanks. Today, we want to share our most recent updates and give a sneak peek of upcoming improvements.
I have been seeing this motivational quote pop up on my social media feeds a lot lately: “There’s no elevator to success. You have to take the stairs.” I’ll be honest, I really like the saying. As far as motivational quips go, it does the trick — after reading it I always feel like it’s time to get up and do something.
Using the right Ruby interpreter to run your programs can make all the difference. Unfortunately, it can be tough to find resources about different Ruby interpreter options, or about how to choose the right one.
This week we share news about the Azure Data Explorer plugin for Grafana, updates to the GrafanaCon LA speaker list, new functionality added to the polystat panel plugin and more.
Recently, we shared a blog postabout Opsgenie’s first ShipIt experience as part of the Atlassian TEAM. As mentioned in the previous post, ShipIt is Atlassian’s “hackathon” style event, which encourages every employee to creatively solve problems and develop innovative product features. Now that we've explained our ShipIt experience, I thought this post would be a great opportunity to share some product-related innovations that we explored.