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Create Reproducible Security in Kubernetes with Helm 3 and Helm Charts

With the growing popularity of containerized applications, organizations and startups at all levels need to manage their Kubernetes deployments more safely at scale. Today, there is an expanding list of tools and services that can help do this. One of these services is the package manager known as Helm.

Chaos Engineering for a More Secure Kubernetes

Netflix, Amazon, Google, Facebook, and a host of other companies have adopted chaos engineering, which encourages designing systems to proactively ward off potential issues through testing and the anticipation of failure. When it comes to container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, chaos engineering is a vital tactic for enhancing security.

How to Create a Python Stack

All programming languages provide efficient data structures that allow you to logically or mathematically organize and model your data. Most of us are familiar with simpler data structures like lists (or arrays) and dictionaries (or associative arrays), but these basic array-based data structures act more as generic solutions to your programming needs and aren’t really optimized for performance on custom implementations. There’s much more than programming languages bring to the table.

Why SUSE Acquired Rancher Labs

My favorite ice cream store is just off Richmond Green, close to where I live in West London. On sunny days, locals queue around the block to buy their fantastic gelatos and sorbets. Every one of their customers knows that they could easily nip into the supermarket around the corner to buy hermetically sealed chocolate ice cream, but they queue anyway. Why?

Testing the reliability of your fulfillment center

Fulfillment pipelines for order management in e-commerce have a lot of intricate moving parts that depend on one another. Sales orders, fulfillment, negotiation, shipment, and receipt are closely interconnected but require different actions while depending on one another closely. You also need messaging around order statuses, conditions, actions, rules, and inventory, just to name a few of the important parts of these complex systems.

The 7 building blocks of customer service

Efficient and productive customer service representatives are a baseline, not a gold standard. A recent Aberdeen report reveals that forward-thinking customer service organizations have developed strategies to directly benefit customers by making engaging with brands more convenient. These companies understand that effortless service experiences create a competitive advantage.

Bringing Data to Command & Control

It’s a metaphor that would have been impossible to decode even a decade ago: a Command and Control environment where essential data flows as quickly and intuitively as a map on Uber or Lyft. It’s a way of imagining efficient access to up-to-the-minute mission-relevant information, so that any sensor can make useful intelligence available to any device or effect, on a single screen, in time to make a difference.

React, Adapt, Evolve: Using Data to Navigate the 3 Phases of a Crisis

When the coronavirus pandemic hit Asia-Pacific back in January, no one knew what to expect. As the first region to grapple with the questions and uncertainties that the virus presented, leaders had to process the new reality and spring into action at record speed. While navigating the shifting landscape has been a unique journey for all organizations, a few things have proven to be consistent.

Now GA: Data-in-Transit Encryption in Calico v3.15

We’re excited to announce that the latest release of Calico includes encryption for data-in-transit. Calico is the open source networking and network security solution for containers, virtual machines, and host-based workloads, offering connectivity and security for container workloads. One of Calico’s best-known security features is its implementation of Kubernetes Network Policy, providing a way to secure container workloads by restricting traffic to and from trusted sources.

4 Ways to Improve Your Change Management Practices

Okay, good. You have a change management practice in place. You know how to define it, its benefits, how to get the process started, and how to measure its success. You also know it makes for greater success for business initiatives, it prepares the organization for the future, and drives consistency. But how can your current change management practice be improved upon? No matter if you’re a change requestor or change manager, the improvement of your current practice depends on these four actions.