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The 2020 State of DevOps survey: quarantine edition

Normally we would have launched our 2020 State of DevOps survey a couple of months ago instead of today. But with all of us adjusting to working from home, often with kids also at home or other loved ones to care for, we recognized that the last thing anyone should focus on was taking a survey. So we’re late. The additional time to plan, however, gave us the chance to consider some new and interesting pathways to explore.

What's New in Logz.io with Infrastructure Monitoring? Upgrading to Open Source Grafana 7

Logz.io Infrastructure Monitoring just got some substantive upgrades to kick off the summer. The major change is the Grafana 7 update, specifically to version 7.0.3. This includes several new features. The Logz.io deployment will also include applying Grafana to logs. The Transform tab gives users the option to quickly add non-time series data to tables and then pair it with other data (time series or not) in your Metrics deployment.

Product Metrics for Discovery Activities

Most companies today compile a set of metrics for their product teams to regularly report on to the company management. This includes a variety of product performance metrics(usage frequency, churn rate, NPS, etc.). But a lot of them struggle a bit with product discovery activities. So how do your track discovery?

Using Automation and SLOs to Create Margin in your Systems

With the difficulties we’re facing during this time, it can be difficult to keep up with the increasingly vast demand for our services. You need to make use of all the tools in your toolbelt in order to conserve your team’s cognitive resources. Two ways you can do this are through automating toil from your processes and prioritizing with SLOs.

Semiannual Report of Unplanned Server Downtime | 2020 Q1 + Q2

No, this isn’t physics news; hold that Nobel Prize. This is about downtime; the dark matter of the web. It’s invisible to most of us, but its gravity has huge effects on commerce, companies, and markets. For everybody who does business online, unplanned website or service outages drag down their revenue, drag down their profits, and drag down their brand.

Azure Monitor Agents: their different functions

In the Azure Monitor Learning Path, we talked about metrics and collecting data in a Log Analytics workspace to be operated on with KQL. As a part of it, we also talked about Monitoring Solutions and how they help you collect data into the workspace that is more focused for specific purposes. In that series, our main focus was on the Log Analytics Agent and I briefly talked about Diagnostics extension.