Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


12 Kubernetes interview questions and answers to score that job

You’ve put in the time applying for tech jobs and have made it to the daunting interview. You know they are going to ask you about Kubernetes, so make sure you are prepared. If you are completely new to Kubernetes we recommend you first read our Kubernetes pronunciation post, so you don’t really embarrass yourself, and then check out the Kubernetes glossary we created to help give you a decent Kubernetes foundation.

4 ways cloud helps future-proof your teams

Cloud is no longer a differentiator – it’s a strategic requirement for long-term success. So says Forrester’s Benchmark Your Enterprise Cloud Adoption report, and so say our customers, 90 percent of whom choose our cloud products over hosting Server or Data Center versions on-premise (on-prem). Ten years ago, moving to the cloud was about staying ahead of the curve – no longer.

Video: Database Optimization

Most modern web applications are heavily reliant on persisting data with relational databases, and so it’s no surprise that a large part of application performance monitoring relates to keeping an eye on database performance to ensure that our SQL queries are as efficient as possible. With this in mind, Scout features a Database Addon module, and in this video we are going to take a closer look at what it has to offer.

Real-time impact tracking and notifications

Your team is practicing DevOps and you’re delivering some flavor of Continuous Delivery. You’re deploying anywhere from three times a week to twenty times a day. You are moving fast! At that speed, how do you know if you are moving things in the right direction? Hopefully, your team has defined some key SLIs that define your application’s health.

Live or Die by 2022: DevOps in the Digital-First Economy

For companies to survive until 2022, they’ll need to focus on two things: Binaries and Edges. We’ve just wrapped up swampUP 2020, where we showcased this bold idea. We heard from you firsthand how DevOps Fast Forward is a must, and how software must be able to be distributed anywhere to enable the continuity of any business. Your experience confirmed how the global crisis has accelerated the digital transformation in your companies.

Digital Experience Monitoring for Remote Teams - Featuring Insights from Forrester

IT teams face many visibility challenges due to the massive shift to remote work due to the Coronavirus outbreak. This includes the variability of home network environments, reliance on SaaS and cloud applications, the unpredictability of Internet transport, and higher congestion than ever before. How do you overcome these monitoring challenges?

How to Debug AWS Lambda Performance Issues

Ten years ago, Amazon found that every 100ms of latency would cost them roughly 1% in sales. This is a pretty clear statement on the importance of user experience! It’s especially true in today’s ultra-competitive market where the cost of switching (to another provider) for consumers is lower than ever. And one of the most common performance issues in serverless architectures is related to elevated latencies from services we depend on.

Meet the PagerDuty Product Design Team

How do you design a product that customers love to hate? “Hey, that thing you’re responsible for is down. Oh, and people have noticed and they’re complaining about you on Twitter. OK BYEEE!” Our customers love PagerDuty (they legit tell us this). At the same time, they hate hearing from us because it means trouble.

Introducing Conductor

It comes as no surprise that the demand for Kubernetes is skyrocketing across the industry. According to the CNCF’s 2019 survey, 78% of respondents are using Kubernetes in production today. This growth is contributing to a surge of demand for talent: there are over 100 thousand cloud native job postings across Dice and Indeed alone. The talent pool of people that have worked with Kubernetes and the adjacent technologies is limited and demand is growing.