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PHP Memory Leaks, How to Find and Fix Them

Memory leaks can happen in any language, including PHP. These memory leaks may happen in small increments that take time to accumulate, or in larger jumps that manifest quickly. Either way, if your app has a memory leak, sooner or later it will cause problems. The source of and solution to PHP memory leaks aren’t always obvious, so you may need to try a few strategies before you eliminate the problem.

Cost Optimization Tips from AWS Summit Online

This year’s AWS Summits are more than a little different. Despite being virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic, AWS is packing these events with lots of content. I’ve had a great time attending virtually, trying out hands-on labs, and sitting in on the technical sessions. As I work primarily with cost management and optimization for cloud compute services, this has been my main interest in attending the conferences. Here are my main takeaways around better managing your AWS cloud costs.

IoT Architecture: 3 Things Every IT Professional Should Know

OK, folks. Let’s be real for a moment and acknowledge that everybody, every professional, and definitely every vendor out there is tossing out the phrase “IoT” like flyers on the Las Vegas strip. As an industry, we tend to use IoT to describe a breadth of networked devices, most often headless—those without a user attached—such as cameras, door entry systems, and HVAC controls.

Citrix Admins can now track Citrix Connection Quality without Needing any Client Software

Citrix technologies are often used by remote employees or collaborators to access corporate applications and desktops. Citrix access is session oriented – a session is established at logon time and a connection between the client and the server/desktop being accessed is maintained for the duration of the session. User access to Citrix apps and desktops is highly interactive – mouse clicks, keystrokes, etc. all have to go from the client to the server/desktop to be processed.

Ten Reasons Why MSPs Choose OpsRamp for Hybrid IT Operations Management

OpsRamp’s recent survey found that 91% of IT operations teams were looking to increase spending with managed service providers (MSPs). The major reasons for working with MSPs to monitor and manage hybrid infrastructure were technical expertise (63%), security know-how (52%), and cost optimization (50%).

Cloudsmith: Your Offsite DevOps Team

Cloudsmith can help reduce the amount of resources you need to devote to package management and DevOps, whilst delivering a better service to your teams than ever before. Here’s how and why. Package management is right at the heart of DevOps. Packages are both inputs and outputs in the DevOps process, and indeed many individual packages are both. Effectively, packages are the currency that engineers work in.

Through the crisis: Nexthink customer stories (AXA IM)

For a lot of Nexthink’s technical professionals, 2020 has been one of the most challenging and rewarding periods of their professional lives. Our customer base was impacted globally by COVID-19, and we were honored to be able to support them whenever and however we could, working closely to leverage their existing investment, as well as developing and distributing tailored services for those that needed them.

Hospital's IT Almost Wastes $900k on Hardware

After working in enterprise IT for over 20 years, I’ve come to the realization that most departments suffer from the same underlying contradiction. By nature, we IT professionals are a logic-seeking, detail-oriented bunch. Much of our work can take months, if not years, of meticulous planning and research. We find comfort in gazing upon complex, multi-colored scrum boards and searching for answers to problems that any sane person would avoid.