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Install Artifactory HA on GKE in a Flash

Installing Artifactory on GKE, or on any Kubernetes cluster for that matter, can be complex. You have to think through several scenarios, switch back and forth between UI and command line, create a lengthy Helm command, search for acceptable parameters … and so on. All this before you have to configure certificates, licenses, database settings, node settings. But there’s more, what about future proofing it?

Continuous Vulnerability Management Is a Must

Face it. Your IT systems may be secure today, but what about next week? Granted, as stated by the Center for Internet Security (CIS), you and your team members must operate in a constant stream of new information—software updates, patches, security advisories, threat bulletins, and more. But as you know, attackers have access to the same information and can leverage gaps between the onset of new knowledge and remediation.

Accelerate Logons and Combat Browser Profile Bloat in Your Multi-Browser Estate with Avanite and Ivanti

Today’s modern IT estates see big increases year-over-year in the use of SaaS-based applications. In addition, with more applications being accessed through the browser, managing browser usage, data, and synchronization has become critical to positive experience for local, mobile, and remote users. Combining Ivanti Environment Manager and Avanite WebData Control offers IT teams enhanced browser management and accelerates logons up to 60%.

Benchmarking End User Experience with Web Vitals

Most business verticals are now digitized. Consumers prefer online shopping, rather than going to a store. Within a few clicks, you can purchase any item of your choice and get it delivered to your doorstep. One of the key reasons for online businesses gaining popularity is their time-saving nature. So, the main goal of any website should be to deliver the best end-user experience.

Icinga L10n

Icinga Web 2 and all its modules have been localized from the very beginning. There were also quite a few languages added. Just recently Icinga Web 2 and the Director got a Japanese locale! And a updated Russian as well as a new Spanish (Argentina) locale are in the works at the moment. Over the years our Saudi Arabian, German, Finnish, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian, Russian and Ukrainian users were able to experience Icinga Web 2 and some of its modules in their native tongue.

Searching Google Drive: Better collaboration with Elastic Workplace Search

While Google G Suite is an indispensable productivity and collaboration tool for modern businesses, all too frequently content tends to pile up in the far corners of Google Drive, making content search and discovery difficult. Spending valuable time sifting and searching through tens of thousands of documents to find the right one has become all too common, and most workers spend several hours per week searching for information.

How to add powerful (Elastic)search to existing SQL applications

Elasticsearch has a lot of strengths (speed, scale, relevance), but one of its most important strengths is its flexibility to be added to existing environments without the need for any sort of architectural overhaul. If you are a sysadmin (dev, sec, ops, etc.), you know just how appealing this is. So many legacy systems remain in place not because they are perfect, but because replacing them would cost time and money that you don't have.

Good Catch: Monitoring Revenue When it Matters Most

Revenue monitoring not only involves monitoring huge amounts of data in real-time but also finding correlations between thousands, if not millions, of customer experience and other metrics. Are traditional monitoring methods capable of detecting a correlation between a drop in user log-ins and a drop in revenue as it’s happening? For many reasons, the answer is no.

AWS API Gateway vs. Application Load Balancer (ALB)

We recently wrote about whether API Gateway can act as a Load Balancer. The answer is yes and, in many cases, they are substitutes for each other. But how should we choose which one to use? In this article, we will dive into more details on how these two types of HTTP networking services compare, using the AWS services as a base level: API Gateway and Application Load Balancer (ALB). Both are highly-scalable services to a point that scalability should not be a concern for most use cases.