Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


ServiceNow announces 4 apps and a dashboard to help workplaces reopen safely

ServiceNow, the leading digital workflow company that makes work, work better for people, today released ServiceNow Safe Workplace, a four-app suite and dashboard designed to help companies manage the essential steps for returning employees to the workplace and support everyone’s health and safety. Immediately available, the Safe Workplace app suite is powered by the Now Platform.

Moogsoft Enterprise 8.0: The Virtual NOC Is Here!

Remote collaboration. Workflow automation. Streamlined remediation. AI-fueled data analysis. These are all key trends in IT operations management that the current crisis has accelerated, turning them into requirements for continuous service assurance in modern IT environments. Moogsoft Enterprise 8.0, available now, delivers all these advanced capabilities and more.

Optimize Your CI/CD Pipeline with Codefresh & Lightstep

How do you know if the changes that you’re making to your microservices are having the desired impact to your end-users? What happens after a deploy? Did your app’s performance remain the same? Were any bugs introduced? Do you need to roll back? With Codefresh and Lightstep, you’re able to more quickly, more accurately, and more easily ensure that any commit and build results in a better experience for your end-users.

Resolving the AddTrust External CA Root certificate expiration

Some of our users have received reports about their AddTrust External CA Root or USERTrust RSA Certification Authority certificate. The problem occurs because the remote server sends a root certificate in the chain that will expire in less than 14 days. Here are the steps to verify this and a few tips on how to resolve it.

3 ITSM Strategies to Help your Remote Workforce Thrive

Remote workforces are becoming the new normal. What could be achieved earlier with a simple visit to your colleague’s desk will now require you to communicate flawlessly across miles. ITSM tools that were earlier used only when systems had issues are now being used to make delivery of different business services easier. Quite naturally, not all organizations are prepared for this ‘new normal’.

Analyze Stuck And Hogging Threads

What is Stuck Thread? A Stuck Thread is a thread which is processing a request for more than maximum time that you configured in admin console. By Default, the WebLogic server comes with 600 secs. If some thread doesn’t return in 600 secs, It gets a flag ‘stuck thread’. How to deal with Stuck Thread? Take thread dumps instantly. Open thread dumps in visualVM. Analyze dashboard from WebLogic console (managed server > monitoring > threads).

How important is network compliance for your remote work environment?

With a majority of the workforce now adopting a work-from-home routine, maintaining the normal functioning of your network and ensuring compliance with industry standards is not an easy job. When employees are working remotely, it is especially crucial to ensure network compliance with industry standards and internal policies to secure your network from cybersecurity breaches.

GrafanaCONline Day 2 recap: The future of worldPing and an industrial IoT use case of Grafana

GrafanaCONline is live! We hope you’re able to catch the great online sessions we have planned over the next couple of weeks. After Grafana creator Torkel Ödegaard, Grafana Labs CEO Raj Dutt, and VP of Product (and Cortex co-creator) Tom Wilkie kicked off the conference with a keynote discussing the future of Grafana and the upcoming Grafana 7.0 release, GrafanaCONline continued with a focus on Grafana’s global reach.