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What is WMI? Windows Management Instrumentation, do you know this?

What is WMI? Is this a new brand of German cars? Nope. Since we like to explore the vast fields of knowledge, we are going to try to approach this question: What is WMI? There are people out there who don’t have the imperious need to master the concept, taxi drivers for example, but there are other brave people who will live much better with the knowledge of these skills. So, what is WMI?

Managing Structured Data, Unstructured Data and the In-Between

There’s a lot of confusion surrounding the differences between structured and unstructured data. To better understand why, let’s review which data formats the industry currently is using, and some of the challenges they pose. Simply put, structured data typically refers to highly organized, stored information that is efficiently and easily searchable. Unstructured data is not.

Launching Vulnerability Manager Plus: Hunt down security loopholes with 100% precision

Amp up your endpoint security game with ManageEngine’s all-new Vulnerability Manager Plus. Pinpoint, prioritize, and eliminate vulnerabilities with ease. Attackers are constantly coming up with new ways to carry out exploits, making it even harder for your organization to reduce its attack surface and keep its endpoints secure.

How to Filter Uptime.com Traffic From Google Analytics

Uptime.com checks can send more than a thousand visits to a URL each day as it monitors infrastructure metrics. Checks record load times and tell administrators which elements are causing slowness. Basic HTTPS checks are the most common, checking for outages and recording downtime or providing technical data to fix them.

Top 6 Container Security Lessons from Deploying Kubernetes and Red Hat OpenShift

We recently had the opportunity to share the lessons we have learned about container security from deploying Kubernetes and OpenShift in the field. If you don’t have time to watch the full recording of our conversation, here are a few highlights.

Microservices vs. Monolithic Architectures

Enterprises are increasingly pressured by competitors and their own customers to get applications working and online quicker while also minimizing development costs. These divergent goals have forced enterprise IT organization to evolve rapidly. After undergoing one forced evolution after another since the 1960s, many are prepared to take the step away from monolithic application architectures to embrace the microservices approach.

JavaScript Logging Basic Tips

As applications are getting more complex, it’s becoming harder to deliver high-quality applications. Tools likeJavaScript has come a long way in recent years. Browsers are becoming more robust and machines are growing more powerful. Pair this with the recent development of Node.js for execution of JavaScript on servers, and you can understand why JavaScript has exploded in popularity.

How to handle AWS Lambda cold starts

Smarter people than myself, once said that you should do things you don’t like first so that you can enjoy the things you’re doing later. Nobody wants cold starts. They’re annoying, and we continuously feel an itching sensation in our brains because of them. The serverless world would be a much better place to work in if they weren’t there.

Injection Attacks: Protecting Your Serverless Functions

While trying to verify the claims made on a somewhat facile rundown of serverless security threats, I ran across Jeremy Daly’s excellent writeup of a single vulnerability type in serverless, itself inspired by a fantastic talk from Ory Segal on vulnerabilities in serverless apps. At first I wanted to describe how injection attacks can happen. But the fact is, the two resources I just shared serve as amazing documentation; Ory found examples of these vulnerabilities in active GitHub repos!